
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Windham Blackout Cancer 2022


Why Blackout?  Why Do We Want To Turn Out The Lights?


September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and a chance to shine a spotlight on the inequalities faced by thousands of children with cancer around the world.

In many countries, knowledge about childhood cancer is very low. As a result, children are often misdiagnosed or are only taken to see a doctor when their disease is very advanced and difficult to treat.

What’s more, it is estimated by the Lancet Oncology that 43% of children will never get a diagnosis.

The fact is, childhood cancer is often overshadowed by diseases that affect adults. Children cannot advocate for themselves, so it is down to us to spread the word. 

Together we must demand more research into childhood cancers and better access to treatment.


Though we are still waiting to hear the totals raised, this year was just incredible.  This was the year that Bethany, Lea and I were taking over....though I was involved , they really stepped up and covered during my surgeries and sickness...so so thankful for them and I am glad I could be at the events and game even though I sat most of the time and observed....

This week/event takes all year to plan and it is to raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer.  Unfortunately New Hampshire has the most cases every year- UGH....

Anyway...we try to do our part and it is an inspiring experience from start to finish each year....

Here are some snapshots from Blackout 2022 Week

Tee Shirt Distribution

The sales happens online in August and the pick up is at WHS the first night of Blackout Week

Fody's Kick Off Night

We have alternated nights each year...this year it was on the Tuesday night and Rob's band played for the event...we raise money through raffles and games and donations and then the restaurant gives us a cut of proceeds from a "Charitini" and the night as a whole!


Centerpieces with the Names of the Kids We Were Honoring




Our Traveling Raffles

These baskets appeared at the events all week!



and our Raffle Ninjas ;)


Pop Roks played for our event as they did last year!


Folks who forgot to pick up their shirts on Monday night got one more chance to pick them up at Fody's...we couldn't believe the line!


"Jinx The Jaguar" our High School Mascot with the Coach of our Opponents!  He was actually really nice though :)


Ladies Trivia Night

This event sells out every year- at Red's Tavern in town- another great fundraising opportunity between ticket sales and raffles and the venue donates all food for the night

Our team came in 2nd place again...thank God for 90's questions...helped us to boost our score for sure!


Our table was called "The Blackout Bombshells" oh did we a have a laugh thinking of all of the ladies who were probably making fun of us...even if they are half our age...HA!!  ;)


We won Hot Cocoa Bombs and Cute Mugs


The Big Day and The Big Game

It is always magical to go out this day and see our shirt everywhere...Dunkin Donuts...the schools..the bank...church...you name it...everyone dresses up for Blackout Day.


The big game is always the Friday Night of Blackout Week and this year was bigger than ever...we had approximately 5,000 people and all folks from Windham were wearing their shirts...it is great to see the whole town in their shirts that day....very inspiring


Quick Power Lunch To Give Us Energy for the Afternoon and Evening- Lea and I with Erica


At WHS, Banners for Our Honored Kids

Rob and Dave on our committee set these up for me



 Banners to Thank Our Title Sponsors (missing Cafua/Dunkins and Canobie Lake Vet in my Photos as they were still being put up - thanks again R&D)



Our Tent for our Honored Families Being Decorated



 My Personal Volunteers- Diana (my daughter) and Alexis (my goddaughter)...they crushed it...so so proud of them

and we hit the JACKPOT with our new Athletic Director Jon- he did such amazing work for us this year- so grateful!

Our Thank You Banners to ALL of our sponsors and donors

 and our Honored Shirts Banner- these are the names that folks in town are wearing their shirts for 

and a few snapshots....truth be told, I really want you to see the size of the crowd and the beautiful halftime celebration honoring our families...but we will need to wait for the professional photos to come in and I will do a separate post :)


One of my breaks/rests in the my warm car


Got a glimpse of Eva with some pals- grateful for my friend Mary who took care of her that night :)

 Another break 


Our Amazing Committee at the end of this amazing night:)


Stay tuned for more of the magic....




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Chelle said...

This is such an amazing event! We lost my nephew to AML when he was fifteen months old; pediatric cancer is devastating. Thank you for the work you are doing to bring awareness; pediatric cancer funding lags so far behind adult cancer research, it's unbelievable.

Maria Rineer said...

Wow! What as amazing event, community support, and fundraising for this cause. Congrats to you and the team for pulling this off. You can tell it was a ton of work and you guys should be proud of yourselves. Truly inspiring!

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