It's the last Wednesday of the month and it is time for my favorite link up
I love reading to see what all of my fellow bloggers are up to AND sharing what we are up to over here too!
Here it goes!
What We're Eating This Week
I am back to my homemade smoothies for breakfast- Rob actually makes them for me every day- he is the best!
Here are the two we have been alternating between:
1. Kale Smoothies
Ingredients include 2 cups of kale, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of PB2 powder, 1 cup almond milk, and 1 cup of ice
2. Spinach Smoothies
Ingredients include 2 cups of spinach, 1/2 cup of strawberries, 1/2 cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt, 1 cup almond milk and 1 cup of ice
For lunch, I have been enjoying more greens in the form of bars
These are a favorite and you can get them on Amazon
For dinners, we have been enjoying both roasted chicken and salad and grilled meats and salad- I am feeling really good about the way we are eating right now and starting to see the physical and mental results- for the win!
On Saturday, we are having friends over to celebrate the 4th! We are going to be grilling and such
This is one of the festive sides I am making
Red, White and Blue Pasta Salad
You can find the recipe HERE
What I'm Reminiscing About
Summers growing up- Pool, Beach, Popsicles, Lilacs, Laying in the Grass for Hours
What I'm Loving
Golfing and just being outdoors in general!
I am horrible at golf but I have the drive (no pun intended) to keep trying to get better- working on it while socializing- nothing better!
What We've Been Up To
It has been a busy and fun Spring around here!
We enjoyed a fun-filled Memorial Day Weekend
First a cookout with Mimi and Papa
and then fun times at Laurel and Tom's lake house and on their boat!
An awesome dinner in Newburyport with Lea and Mike
Lunch with Papa and Grammy to celebrate their 57th Wedding Anniversary!
and we wrapped up the holiday weekend with a cookout and games at Alison and Keith's
In June, we enjoyed Diana's dance recital and celebrated the end of the dance season with
Carlene Nazarian Dance Center
Mama went for some cheer training at the UCA Cheer Coach Clinic
We enjoyed Diana's great softball season with Daddy as coach
We celebrated Eva's baptism anniversary with her godparents Alice and Chuck
Mama has been enjoying some golf!
We celebrated Diana's 2nd grade graduation ceremony with a beautiful ceremony hosted by the greatest teacher ever- Mrs. Martin
and the following week, we celebrated the last day of school
with our annual pics
and a picture with our favorite bus driver Mr. V
and after school, we continued the tradition of the party at The Fournier's
That night, we said goodbye to Adam and Jared- our district was blessed by both of these wonderful professionals
and Rob's band played some great tunes to send them off with
We also enjoyed our first day at the beach of the season!
and we celebrated Father's Day with all of our favorite Dads!
We celebrated the life of beautiful Ava who was taken far too soon
Ava danced with Diana during her first year at Carlene's and they cheered for the same Cheer Gym
Ava fought a 30 month battle with childhood brain cancer. She inspired so many people to be brave and happy- she touched more lives than she will ever know. She is an example of everything we should be teaching our children- the way to look at life and enjoy every moment
Rest In Peace Beautiful Angel
We had a very successful WW Cheer Skills Camp this week- these little girls are also so inspirational to me- they demonstrated hard work, passion and pure fun! Can't wait for the season to begin next month!
and spur of the moment get-togethers with friends have been just what the doctor ordered!
and someone LOVED Kids Yoga, thanks to Windham MOMS Club- just precious!
and we celebrated Caden's birthday- nothing but top shelf when it comes to Caden's mom- even fresh blueberries in the Blueberry Ale ;)
What I'm Dreading
Genetic testing
It is something that my mom wants me to do and I understand how important it is
Sometimes it is just the fear of the unknown
What I'm Working On
I have been fighting my way through the Couch to 5K Program
We are in Week 9 and I can proudly say I have made it to this point
I have run, albeit very slowly, the entire time we were required to
I am working towards the Run For Freedom on the 4th of July and I am both nervous and excited
My friend Mary got us Red, White and Blue Tu Tus to make it a little fun- We Shall See!
What I'm Excited About
The Town Fireworks on Wednesday Night- one of the best nights all year
and the 4th of July weekend in general- lots of fun planned- one of my favorite weekends all year!
What I'm Watching/Reading
We are working our way through Ally McBeal on Netflix- we are on the last episode of Season 1 and LOVING IT! (Well I am loving it again as I watched it when it was on in the 90's- it is new for Rob)
and I am enjoying the Bachelorette- My boss actually got me into it- we are curious, though, if we will be as entertained now that Chad is gone...hmmmm
and my friend Beth Ann turned me on to "Odd Mom Out"- it is flippin' hysterical and I am already caught up! (I just started watching it on Friday night)
For Reading, I am still working my way through Who Do You Love by Jennifer Weiner- it is fantastic, I just don't have much time to read!
and I am enjoying the daily passages and inspirations in Jesus Calling (thanks to my fellow bloggers)
What I'm Listening To
When running, I have been putting together some workout mixes for Greer and me- Greer makes fun of me and says it is not running music but it works! Ha ha!!
Some of the tunes on the latest mix include: Brave (Sara Bareillis), Crazy Train (Ozzy Ozborne), Drag Me Down (One Direction), Chandelier (Sia), Come On Over (Shania Twain), Where Do You Go (No Mercy), and Wagon Wheel (Darius Rucker)
What I'm Wearing
Oh....Summer how I love thee....bright Lilly sandals and loafers....flip, white and coral....ahhhh pure bliss!!
Here are some recent fashion faves
(and my new favorite line "shopping my closet"- it is amazing when you get organized how much fun you can have shopping what you have; it is also a bonus when things that didn't fit before, fit nicely now- new outfit FOR THE WIN!)
2nd grade graduation celebration
My dress- Lilly Pulitzer on Ebay (2015)- My cardigan Lilly Pulitzer on Ebay as well (2012)
Eva's Baptism Anniversary Celebration
My dress Lilly Pulitzer via
My outfit pieced together thanks to both Golf and Ski in Hudson and Sports Authority- Sports Authority is going out of business and you can really score some deals!
Last Day of School
My top is from Nordy's- first time I am wearing it- yahoo!
My jeans are from Stitch Fix- I cuffed them myself :)
What I'm Doing This Weekend
We are having a 4th of July Cookout with Friends!
Then we are celebrating with my family
On the actual holiday, I am running the 5k I have been training for- The Run for Freedom- nervous and excited all in one! Hope to unwind with friends after the race :)
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month?
Fun filled weekends all summer long- days by the pool with friends- Beach Dates with friends- Cheer Camp- The Annual Hot Dog Hoe Down with the Grahams and Beans, The Fisher Cats with the Rekarts and a pool day with our cousins

What Else Is New?
Diana made our summer list- we are already checking items off! I will miss these days some day- holding on to every precious memory
and for the Bonus Question of the month.....
What is our Favorite 4th of July Tradition and/or Recipe?
I would say just celebrating this wonderful holiday all weekend long- what is stands for- the red, white and blue and my favorite time of the year. Whether we are at one of our beautiful New England beaches or having a cookout and/or party, we celebrate...together!
One of my favorite nights all year is also the town fireworks. Each year, we pack up a picnic dinner and plant ourselves up at the high school to listen to the band and enjoy the fireworks- the kids have a BALL.
This is one of my favorite pictures ever- it was from the Town Fireworks Night two years ago- just captures the excitement!
Can't wait to read "What's Up With You!"