
Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Favorites (May 31, 2024)


Ok...first of all..how did we get here....the last day of May already?  EEK...feel like my favorite month of the year just flew by with all of the craziness.


Anyway..linking up for Friday Favorites HERE and sharing some recent faves




Pre-Summer/Summer Joy


 Congrats Diana!



 The Many Moods of Remi



 Cheering Our Girl Up

Thank you Auntie Lea XO

P.S That bite wasn't from Diana though- Eva couldn't help herself- ha!



Girl Time



 That's a wrap!  Have a wonderful weekend friends!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Monthly Musings: Getting Ready for Summer Edition


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you stopped by!  We hope you will join us for our fun linkup :)  We are talking all things summer and answering the questions below...

Here we go!

1. What are you looking forward to this summer?

Honestly...long walks....floating in the pool...time at the beach...a real simple summer




2. Favorite Summer Traditions


Time at the beach- cooking out and swimming- 4th of July weekend at the lake- Softball Tournaments- Annual Mommy Daughter Boogie Boarding Day- Making memories



3. Favorite Summer Recipe?  Please share!

I have a few.....


The Pioneer Woman's Watermelon Pico de Gallo.  Find the recipe HERE




  Watermelon, Feta and Blackberry Bites

Find the Recipe HERE



Burrata, Tomatoes and Peaches

Find the Recipe HERE


Lobster Roll Sliders

Find the Recipe HERE




 Homemade Strawberry Jam

Find the Recipe HERE




 Barley and Corn Salad with Arugula and Green Beans

Find the Recipe HERE




 Elin Hilderbrand's Berry Crumble

Find the Recipe HERE




 4. Summer Vacation Plans?

None this summer as of yet.  We may do a weekend at the beach with our parents- big TBD right now

5. Cole Slaw or Potato Salad?  Recipe to Share?


I would say either but unfortunately I don't have a recipe to share!



 6. Favorite Ice Cream or Frozen Treat?


Anything that has some chocolate in it OR I love Cotton Candy flavored ice cream too :)



 7. Favorite Summer Beverage?

I have a few- Water- Seltzers- Sauvignon Blanc or a Frozen Mango Margarita- YUM!




8. Beach, Lake or Mountains?

 I love all three but nothing compares to the BEACH for me :)




9.  Best ways to beat the heat in summer?


Stay in the water!  Ocean/Lake/Pool- go for it!

10. Favorite Sunscreen?


I love the smell of the Sun Bum and Coppertone screens- anything that smells like coconut or banana or the beach is my jam!

 Can't wait to read all about your summer goodness :)


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