
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Monthly Musings: Late Summer Fashion and Fun!


Hi Friends!  It's that time!  Time for the Monthly Musings Linkup with Patty and me!

This month we are talking all things Late Summer Fashion and Fun and we are answering these questions...



1. Summer travel- where you have been and what trips are still coming up?


Unfortunately no travel for us this summer...tight time...we need to go visit colleges too but I am afraid that won't be happening until the spring...stay tuned!  We enjoyed 4th of July weekend at our friends' lake house and a few ladies are going back up there in a few weeks for a concert and overnight :)


2. Favorite things you have done so far this summer?


4th of July Weekend at the Lake- an overnight in Boston while the kids were at Lana Del Rey and lots of walking and reading and driving around with the top down...all simple but holding onto these days while my girls are at home


3. Share Your Go To Outfits This Summer


You would laugh but my go-to this summer is athletic leggings, a tank top and sneakers...I throw on a cardigan for business meetings on video and then throw on a suit or dress for in person meetings...that is pretty much it!  Once in awhile, I am getting out and get to throw on a sundress or pants with a tank...pretty basic and boring... AND I stink at taking pics of my outfits...I resolve to get better at this..maybe I should aim for the Fall?

4. Summer Accessories You Are Never Without?

Sunglasses and Flip Flops!

5. Share Your Go To Shoes This Summer

I have been LIVING IN my Nike Vomero 17s- so comfy- so much support- excellent cross trainer AND stylish FTW!

6. Share Anything Spontaneous You Did This Summer- Big or Small

Ummm....nothing?  Gosh I sound so boring...not really myself right now...hope I get my spark and fun back come fall....BUT YET our friends just invited us to go to the Red Sox Yankees Game at Fenway on Sunday night and we said YES...OMG so so excited!  Very spontaneous...unexpected....and getting me fired up...woohoo!

7. Have You Seen Any Summer Movies Yet?


8. Favorite Summer Sweet Treat?

Blueberry Pie Ice Cream from Pete's Scoop in a nearby town here...delish!

9. Summer Slow Down or Ready For Fall?

Usually I say Summer Slow Down BUT this year I am verrryyy excited about some great things that could happen this fall so can I say both?  HA!!

10. Ready for Back To School?

I really am this year- really am and for good reasons :)

and here is our schedule for the rest of the year if you wanna join in on the fun!

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Our Summer List 2024

 So...we are at the halfway mark of our summer here...and yes...we finally got around to doing our summer list or as we call it here "Summah List"

I wanted to document it here as I do every other year....quiet and simple summer yet the girls look forward to doing this and I hope that lasts for a couple more years anyway....

and here we are....

We are on our way....stay tuned for our progress :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Montly Musings is Thursday!


Hi Friends!  I am here to let you know that Thursday is Monthly Musings with Patty and me!

We are talking about Late Summer Fashion and Fun!  One of my faves all year...hope you will join us!  Check out the questions we will be answering below

See you then!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Hello Monday (July 22, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I am here with Sarah and we are chatting about our weekends!  If you are blogging today about your weekend, please join us!  Grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

Here  is what we were up to


Friday Night

We had a blast seeing Eva as "Oozy Loompa" in "We Are Monsters" at DRT (Derryfield Repertory Theater Camp)

The Grandparents and Uncle Matt were there too!

It was a LONG show.  After Eva's show, there were two more to see and we didn't get out of the theater until 8 so we grabbed a quick dinner after with Laurel and Tom- always have some great laughs when we are together!


I was up and out early to work my 2nd job.  I learned SO MUCH.  I attended my first inspection and 2nd open house and picked up two new buyers- yeah!

While I was working, Ally took the girls to the beach and out for their first beach pizza at Tripoli's- they had a blast!

When I got home I was wiped and starving so Robby B came through and we snuck in a quick date lunch/dinner...we shared oysters, pizza and salad and there may have been an Aperol Spritz or 2 ;)

We crashed early and I watched a cute documentary about a couple who got together during the COVID outbreak called "Longest Third Date"- check it out!


I was up bright and early and headed to a massage!  Yeah!  The fam got me a gift card for Mother's Day so I broke it out and had the best massage with my girl Nina- felt so good to relax!

After that, we all headed to mass and MONSIGNOR ANTHONY came back to visit and he said mass...we got so choked up and I gave him the biggest hug after...he really misses us but probably not as much as we miss him! :)


 Then it was time for meal planning, grocery shopping and blogging...


Then a workout at the rail trail with Diana...




 I made us a summer Sunday dinner- Grilled Greek Lamb Tips, Summer Pasta, Greek Salad and Corn on the Cob Wrapped in Bacon- it was delish!

Later on, Diana worked...we rested for a bit and ended our weekend by christening our new fire pit that Papa Bob built us :)

So what were you all up to? :)

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Favorites (July 19, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday...we made it!  Before we get started I just wanted to thank you all for your messages about Clark...he truly was one in a million...we will miss him and ensure that his values are carried on!

I also need to make mention that so many stars have been passing away...Bob Newhart...Shelly Duvall...Richard Simmons...although it is always sad, Shannen Doherty is hitting me the hardest...she was part of my childhood..I literally grew up with her....Beverly Hills 90210 was my favorite show growing up and still remains one of my favorites...I followed her breast cancer battle and boy did she put up a long fight...rest in peace...Brenda Walsh will live on forever!

and now some recent faves...


Good Sleep

On a good run...let's hope it continues

Daily Exercise

and outside...loving the Rail Trail!


Do you remember Ban de Soleil Sunscreen in the 80's?  Well check out this bad boy....saw the ad on Facebook and had to give it a try...it is exactly like the old stuff....hello my orange gelee friend!

Zach Bryan

Well I like him...I wouldn't call him a fave BUT he is one of Diana's and I took these lovely girls to his show on Wednesday night at Gillette...I did the drop off...Rob did the pick up and it worked out so well...they described it as one of the best nights of their lives...consider that a win!  So cute!

Mama Got Spoiled

My fave of the night was heading to my parents once I dropped the girls off...they spoiled me with an amazing dinner and we had a blast catching up...my heart is full!


Have always been a fave and there is a new little bagel cafe near Eva's camp so we have stopped here a couple of times- just love it!

Blackout In Full Force!

We are adding a bakery to our list of sponsors this year...they are going to make smiley face cookies for us for the month of September (Childhood Cancer Month) and we are getting a portion of the proceeds- so excited!  I love seeing Blackout support all over town and I can't wait to see these bad boys being sold!

That's a wrap!  We have a pretty chill weekend...Eva's show tonight....Mama is working in real estate tomorrow...not sure what tomorrow night will bring...Sunday no plans so we may just head to the beach...we shall see!  What are you all up to?

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