
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What I've Been "Priming"

Hey friends!  Joining Tanya today HERE 
and sharing some recent Amazon Prime purchases...here we go!

Kids' Chef Hats

My girls wanted to help me serve pizza at the wine club night I hosted recently...so I got them chef hats so they would be completely "in character" :)

Find them HERE

Kids' PJs

Cute...affordable...and delivered in a day...FTW!
Find them HERE

Cozy Tops

 I mentioned last week that I have been having a thing with Amazon tops- warm...cozy...perfect with leggings and jeans...sneakers or boots...and just so affordable..you can't beat them!  I particularly love this one.  You can find it HERE

Hair Nets

In a house with a serious dancer, you really need many hair nets to wrap those buns up...heck even Pidge is getting in on the hair net action...and we go through them as quickly as hair elastics and bobby pins so I always grab more on Amazon because they get here quickly!  You can find some HERE

Halloween Tablecloths

A few weeks ago, when our friends came for dinner, I set up our back porch for some Halloween fun.  I snagged these cute and festive tablecloths and gave the kids each a pumpkin to paint...they got very creative and my heart was happy.  Even though Halloween is over, Amazon is my go to place for various holiday staples.  I found these HERE

That's a wrap!  What have YOU been priming?

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Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

Those chef hats are super cute and those hair nets awesome!!

Andrea Nine said...

Holly, I saw that chefs hat and you sure do have the cutest lil chef!!

Tanya said...

I love the neckline on that cozy top! What a great idea to get a reusable party tablecloth! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

Kellyann Rohr said...

Those chef hats are so cute! Love the picture of the girls getting ready for dance!

Good Better Best Food said...

Those pajamas are so cute and I bet that top is lovely on you. Have the Best weekend sweet friend.xoxoxoxo


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