
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Our Thanksgiving Line Up - 2019

As I sit here sniffling...hoping this cold or whatever it is passes before Thanksgiving...I am mentally preparing myself for all of the cooking and hosting I will do next week.  Don't get me wrong...it is one of my favorite weeks all year and I LOVE HOSTING...but we have already covered that.  I just want to be healthy....so positive thoughts...positive thoughts....

Anyway, I thought I would share our 2019 Thanksgiving Menu since I typically share my menu every year...maybe you will be inspired to add one of these dishes to your holiday too!  I have put the name of the person making the dish too to demonstrate that it is a total team effort...my family all pitches in so no one is overwhelmed which I love...here it goes!


Stuffed Mushrooms- Mimi
Thanksgiving Dips with Crackers and Bread- Holly
 Caramel Apple Cider Martinis- Holly

Main Course

Roasted Turkey- Holly
Bread Stuffing- Holly
Sausage, Cranberry Cornbread Stuffing- Mimi
French Pork Suffing- Papa Bob
Mashed Potatoes- Papa Bob
Green Beans with Shallots, Bacon and Pomegranate- Holly
Roasted Sweet Potatoes- Holly
Friend Corn- Holly
Peas- Holly
Squash- Rob
Cranberry Sauce- Holly
Gravy- Holly


Applesauce Jumbles- Mimi
Pumpkin Pie- Mimi
Apple Pie- Rob


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Rechelle said...

I'm coming over!!! It all sounds so delicious ;)

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