
Monday, June 3, 2024

Hello Monday (June 3, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!

If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!

Here is what our little summery weekend looked like...


Daddy and Pidge chilled at home, Diana worked and Mama had a fun dinner with Lea and Cat outside at Red's


Coming home to this is just what the doctor ordered after a tough week....


Our first Blackout 2024 Social Media Post went live- the excitement began!

Daddy and Pidge headed to softball- I brought Diana to dance and then did some reading

When I picked up Diana I surprised her with a trip to the new Playa Bowls in Salem- we ate our bowls/lunch outside

Later on, we headed to Bill Merrill's retirement party just to say good luck and thank you!  He is our most beloved Firefighter in town and a friend.  We will miss him but looking forward to still seeing him around town

His granddaughter and Eva have known each other and have been pals since birth!

Then it was time for hockey while Diana did her homework and sunbathing at home


That night, we enjoyed our first grilled meal outside and s'mores of course!

We crashed early while Diana headed out with a friend





I headed to mass first thing.  Then Diana treated me to Fuel Good/Nutrition Corner


Daddy and Pidge headed to softball- Diana headed to work and I did some organizing for the week while enjoying the sight and smell of my freshly picked peonies from our yard :)

Then it was time for a Date Walk!

After getting Diana at work, she finished her homework and then we headed to a late lunch and then the LDA show to support our friends- we have only been gone a year and it seems like yesterday!  The show was great and our friends made us proud :)


Meanwhile...at home...

Last night, we enjoyed ice cream together and helped Eva film her videos for theater camp


It was a very relaxing weekend around home...the only thing I didn't get to do that I really wanted to was float in the pool but hopefully there will be many days this summer where floating happens :)  What were YOU up to?

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Maria Rineer said...

I love that Diana treated you to a drink! How sweet and generous. Your weekend sounds nice with some relaxation and fun thrown in as well. Have a great Monday!

Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

What a great weekend! I have never been to a playa bowl or a smoothie bowl place!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

What a great weekend, and yay for eating outside! I love your outdoor furniture. That was sweet of your Diana to buy you a nutrition tea! I love small acts of kindness like that; I always appreciate being the recipient of them. I know you feel the same! I had a fun weekend, too: I saw my mom and dad, we went out to dinner with friends and ended the night playing a game at our house, and I got to swim and float in the pool yesterday. Pure bliss! Happy Monday, my friend. I hope your week is great and gets started off strong!

Joyce said...

Your deck looks cozy. Those are my favorite spaces. Dining outside is my favorite and I'm always looking for places with that option. Have a nice week!

Joanne said...

Your back deck looks like the perfect place to relax and unwind! It sounds like you had a lovely and productive weekend mostly at home.

Jennifer White said...

looks like a great weekend!

Bri said...

Your patio/deck are looks so cozy! I love those little firepits. I was just thinking about smores the other day... I might have to make one soon!

Adrienne Patenaude said...

I love your patio set-up. I could be spending every day out there

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