
Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Favorites (June 21, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We are in Boston today.  Alexis surprised Diana with a ticket to the Lana Del Rey Show at Fenway for an early Sweet 16 present.  So Alexis, Diana and Caden went to the show last night and the Mamas hungout in the big city.  Laurel and Tom treated us all to hotel rooms and dinner- we were spoiled!  I will recap it all next week. In the meantime, here are some faves from our week...

Early Morning Rail Trail with My Girl


These cuties beached it!

Riding in the backseat not a fave but taking her to Driver's Ed FTW

My Sweet Boy

Beach Scene with Jazz for a Screensaver

Thank you to Jennifer for this wonderful recommendation- just perfect for my office!

2024 Blackout Video Shoot

One of the hottest days of the year but oh so fun!  We got some great interviews and shots- can't wait to see the finished product!


Book Club #33

"The Block Party" by Jamie Day- such a FUN read and great night at Karen's


Fave Meal of the Week

Oh I love peaches in the summer especially with some burrata- delish!


Hockey Pals

and one my best pals too- we love you Suzanne :)

That's a wrap!  If you are looking for us this weekend, we will be on the softball field AND in the hockey rink- ha!


Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


Maria Rineer said...

I hope you have a great time in Boston for the concert. It sounds like it is already going well! I´m glad everything went well with your Blackout event- always enjoy reading about this charity. Looking forward to reading about Boston. Have a great weekend!

Ruth said...

Can't wait to hear about Boston! The beach scene with the Jazz screen saver looks so relaxing. When it's cold like it is here today I like the fireplace and jazz scene. I'm going to go turn it on now!

Sunshine and Books said...

We are starting to look into driver's ed for Jack and I am not looking forward to it. It makes me nervous but also excited. Your Thursday adventures sound like a great way to kick off the weekend!

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