
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Share Four Things




 Hi Friends!  I am joining Jennifer for her fun linkup and this month we are covering what we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed



Here we go!




 A slower summer schedule...not as much racing around and seeing happiness like this...




 Set up my first buyers in MLS...there are so many new computer systems for me to learn in real state...it is overwhelming but I am slowly getting there!




Improved Upon


 Exercise...getting outside almost every day to walk and enjoy this weather...good for the body AND the mind :)  BONUS is that I get my girl with me most of the time too!




Cardinals...two so far this week...and it makes me grateful










Maria Rineer said...

Love that you are getting lots of walks in with Diana- I can´t wait to start going on walks again with Abby and Donnie :). Good luck with your work tasks and learning about a whole new industry. You got this!

Joanne said...

Good for you for getting in near daily walks; I've fallen out of that habit and I really do miss it! I am loving our laid back summer schedule too.

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