
Monday, June 10, 2024

Hello Monday (June 10, 2024)




Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I am here with Sarah and we are chatting about our weekends!  If you wanna join us, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!  Here we go...


It was time for one of my favorite mornings of the year- Senior Breakfast!  We host a breakfast for the graduating seniors and their teachers. They love to go back to Golden Brook and see their elementary teachers.  Such a special tradition- this committee always rocks it...even at 6am!



After a day of work and school, I enjoyed an impromptu cocktail with the Soul Sisters.  We enjoyed time outside and catching up- so good for the soul.

(no pics- sorry)

Friday Night

I made homemade pizzas for dinner for the fam then I brought Diana to work and met up with one of my Blackout friends and committee members to scope out some scenarios for one of our events.  We stayed at Zachary's for a glass of wine and it was a great night to catch up and see Diana in action as hostess! :)  Later on, I played taxi driver. Rob had a gig so I picked up Eva from dance and then we picked up Diana from work and crashed early

(again- no pics- so unlike me but not as of late I guess)


It was time for a date walk first thing. 

Then I brought Diana to dance and then went home to enjoy my coffee.  Rob and Eva and Papa left for softball and hockey.  I met Lea at St. Monica's in a nearby town for a special mass.  I drove around to think and enjoy the weather with my top down.  Then I picked up Diana from dance and we got started on de-cluttering her room and getting organized as we prep for a room refresh.


She found LOTS of things including her old sippy cup 


 While she was doing some purging, I jumped on my computer and got some work done- talked to my biggest client (he was happy I answered on a Saturday) and then chatted with my colleague to strategize on one of our roles.  It kinda made me happy :)


That night, we cooked on the grill and our little family of four all headed to Goodwill with some donations and then to Home Depot to pick out Diana's new room color


She is going with "Tahitian Sky"


These crazy cats tho


Eva snapping a pic of Diana "in her natural habitat" i.e. on her phone- ha!



I took Diana to Nutrition Corner to get her tea and protein balls for breakfast and then she hit the homework and studying for finals.

Softball was rained out so I headed to mass with Rob and his Dad while the girls stayed at home.

Later on, while Daddy was painting Diana's room, I took her to a dress rehearsal for the big show and met up with Cass for some wine and snacks- it was such an awesome impromptu afternoon and just what I needed.



Sneak Peak!

It was early to bed for all of us- this is the last week of school and finals week for Diana...we got this..what were you up to?



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Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

That foto of her with sippy cup! Ha! I love an impromptu get together and with some friends that is what works best!

Maria Rineer said...

Sounds like a great weekend with time spent with family and friends. How fun to get a room refresh. I hope you share it when complete (if Diana is game for it!). And way to impress your client! Donnie impresses his clients quite a bit on the weekends :). He still has plenty of time for other things (rarely does he do TOO much work on the weekends). That senior breakfast sounds really sweet. I love traditions like that. Have a great Monday!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

What a whirlwind weekend! How fun that Rob's dad is in town! I can't wait to see pictures of Diana's room. I love that color that she picked!

Memphis Bridges said...

What a good weekend! That paint color looks pretty and look forward to seeing it. So fun you had a quick outing with a friend. That is always a fun bonus! Hope the week goes well as y'all finish out the school year.

Joyce said...

The sippy cup : ) I love the paint color. Impromptu is my favorite kind of gathering. Glad you had a nice weekend!

Holly said...

@Jennifer Rob's dad actually lives with us :) He has an in-law apartment in our lower level!

Sunshine and Books said...

OMG, the sippy cup! I can't wait to see Diana's room refresh! You had a busy but fun weekend and as always squeezed in some good friend and family time! Have a great week!

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