
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Currently: June 2024


Hi Friends!  I am here to join in on Jennifer's Fun Currently Linkup HERE
This month we are sharing what we are...
Loving, Looking Forward To, Enjoying, Seeing, and Lounging Around In
Here we go!
Outdoor time!

Looking Forward To
 The girls' dance showcase/recital- itching for a show!

Having the windows open- getting fresh air AND seeing my flowers grow 

 This guy....while I am working...I get the guilt trip ;)

 Lounging Around In

a common staple around here is an Old Navy Tank with Lulu Leggings- all black- comfy and flattering :)

What's new with YOU currently?


Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

I love your black fit for home! So chic! I rarely wear pants now because it's so humid right now. All the summer stuff! Love it!

Maria Rineer said...

Your flowers are so pretty and how fun to have a dance event to look forward to!

Bri said...

Yes! I love having the windows open!

Joyce said...

I love having the windows open. It's rare here because we have a whole ridiculous pollen season and usually when that wraps up it's too hot and we need the ac. Enjoy your dance recitals!

Natasha said...

Oh, I need to check out Old Navy for tank tops. And I am "loving" all the outside time too!!!

Joanne said...

Oh yes! I am loving all the outdoor time too. I also tend to wear a lot of tanks with black leggings for an all black look.

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