
Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday Favorites (June 21, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We are in Boston today.  Alexis surprised Diana with a ticket to the Lana Del Rey Show at Fenway for an early Sweet 16 present.  So Alexis, Diana and Caden went to the show last night and the Mamas hungout in the big city.  Laurel and Tom treated us all to hotel rooms and dinner- we were spoiled!  I will recap it all next week. In the meantime, here are some faves from our week...

Early Morning Rail Trail with My Girl


These cuties beached it!

Riding in the backseat not a fave but taking her to Driver's Ed FTW

My Sweet Boy

Beach Scene with Jazz for a Screensaver

Thank you to Jennifer for this wonderful recommendation- just perfect for my office!

2024 Blackout Video Shoot

One of the hottest days of the year but oh so fun!  We got some great interviews and shots- can't wait to see the finished product!


Book Club #33

"The Block Party" by Jamie Day- such a FUN read and great night at Karen's


Fave Meal of the Week

Oh I love peaches in the summer especially with some burrata- delish!


Hockey Pals

and one my best pals too- we love you Suzanne :)

That's a wrap!  If you are looking for us this weekend, we will be on the softball field AND in the hockey rink- ha!


Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Hi Friends and Happy Wednesday!  Today I am linking up with Joyce for her fun Wednesday Hodgepodge linkup!  Here we go



1. Today is National Splurge Day- What's something you may splurge on today?  What is something you have splurged on recently?


Hmmm...not sure I will splurge on anything today...maybe the protein balls I made?


Recently, I splurged on Kayla's Mexican Corn Salad (on Father's Day) and it was TO DIE FOR- need to get that recipe from her- ha! 



 2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

YES!  I am partial to Sea Bags.  Have you heard of them?  They are bags made from recycled sails and they come in the cutest patterns AND they are so durable and easy to clean- I am such a sucker for these!  You can find them HERE

Typically you will find my beach/pool/lake towel, sunscreen (that I barely use- I know I know) and maybe a speaker, a water cup and some snacks.  The beach is ALWAYS on my summer list-we get there as much as possible and thanks for the reminder.  We have to make our summer list THIS WEEKEND!



 3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

Boys Of Summer by Don Henley...reminds me of summers during my teen years...Hampton Beach...Canobie Lake Park...heartbreak...makes me melancholy...one of the greatest songs of all time



 4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order?


YES YAY!!!  I love a good spicy tuna roll or an order of chirashi (different fish pieces/sashimi served over a bed of rice)



5. I own a ridiculous amount of what?

Ummm clothes?  I need to purge again and put some bags together for donations for sure!



 6. Insert your own random thought here

Praying for a fun and relaxing summer especially for my girls




Monday, June 17, 2024

Hello Monday (June 17, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday! I am here with Sarah and we are sharing about our weekends.  Hope you will join us!  This is a very extra special Hello Monday because SARAH met my stepson ZACH at the US Open this past weekend. What a small world! That is the beauty and magic of blogging- she recognized him from my blog and went right up to him and I am so glad she did!  She emailed me and he called me and I saw the magic of this community one more time- just love it!

Anyway...back to our weekend....here we go....





It was the last day of school and time for the obligatory front steps pics



Last day of Sophomore Year- I can't believe it- Diana pulled off honors even though this last semester was the most challenging and sad and stressful for her- we are so proud of her grit




Last day of 4th Grade and last day ever at Golden Brook- not too emotional- geesh!!!



and later, Rob and I joined the rest of the 4th grade parents for the beautiful tradition of "Clap Out"



The 4th grade marches through the school and hands flowers to their teachers who made the greatest impact and then they continue the march outside through all of the parents- so so many tears my friends!  Check it out.....

Meanwhile, up at the high school, Diana gifted her favorite teacher a tiara and sash because she says he is "sassy"- they had such a great relationship and he pushed her which is exactly what she needed!  

When the kids got out of school, Eva had her little end-of-school-year party...loaded them up on Chic Fil A food and then they swam for hours- even when it rained!  A couple of the moms stayed with me and we enjoyed a cocktail while catching up.  So glad the girls had so much fun :)

That night, Diana worked and Rob and I ran to the store to get food needed for the weekend.  After that? Yup crashed pretty early- so wiped out physically AND emotionally!


We were up bright and early and I got Eva and Rob packed for softball. They took off for the tournament and I got Diana to dance.  I prepped some food for Father's Day and then when I picked Diana up, we headed up to Barrington for the first softball game of the weekend.  It was a rough weekend for this team but always love watching this game!

After the first game, Diana and I headed back for Caden's graduation party.  We were invited early to meet the famous Chef, Chef Nick, from Hell's Kitchen.  He and his company catered the party and he was WONDERFUL- so great with people-entertaining and the food was just amazing!

Rob met us there for a bit and then headed out to play with his band at another graduation party in town.

Kary took care of Eva for us and spoiled the girls on the way home from softball...

Diana then headed to a sleepover party.  I got Eva showered and we crashed.



Rob and Eva were off to softball again.  I headed to mass and then picked up Diana and brought her to work.  Then it was time to prep for Father's Day.  We were hosting the fam with a BBQ- it was a day of great food- laughs and our main entertainment- Baby Sylvie of course! :)


That's a wrap!  What were you all up to?

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