
Monday, December 4, 2023

Hello Monday (December 4, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  If you blogged about what you did, then Sarah and I would love for you to join us here!  Just grab the graphic above and link back up with us below...here is what we were up to....


We were all up at 4:30am to get Diana to the high school for 5:30 so she could head to NYC with her theater company.  Even Eva jumped right up to see her sissy off :)

I followed along with the social media updates :)

When I got back to my desk, Rob, Papa and Eva headed out for her hockey tournament in Vermont.

What is a woman to do with ALONE time?  I wasn't sure at first....working...listening to the dog snore...that was all normal but then my computer crashed...oh of course!  My IT guy is wonderful and calmed me down Thank God...just as we ordered a new computer for me (yes three weeks before Christmas how perfect- par for the course this year I guess) anyway...I digress....my computer mysteriously came back up an hour later but we agreed to get a new computer set up for me just in case...I can't be without...it is just debilitating!  

Anyway, I got a great day of work done with NO interruptions and then started preparing for my evening with besties.


But first....Remi needs to eat and go out...and I was already dressed in my "party attire"  which was pj's...not sure what the neighbors thought...snapped a few pics for Rob ;)


Meanwhile...in Vermont...

Then, it was time for My Favorite Things Party...it was an amazing night...full of laughs...yummy apps and desserts and cocktails of course!


A few pics while I prepped...

Everyone was decked out in their Holiday PJ's and Lisa R. won for BEST PJ's in her Hanukkah get up- so cute!  Her bag was my favorite :) 

We ate yummy aps and Cass and her Crab Rangoon Dip won for BEST App!

We enjoyed my Cranberry Citrus Paloma Cocktail along with Wine and Seltzers and then for dessert?

Beth Ann won BEST Dessert with her Peppermint Cheesecake Bites!

We all LOVED going through our Favorite Things Exchange- there was everything from cosmetics and perfume to blankets and house ware items- so fun!


Just a great night...next year marks 10 years so will have to dial it up!


Meanwhile...in NYC...someone on her way to Wicked...


So I was in bed a little after midnight and did not sleep well at all..BOO!  I am all brave and stuff until night time when I realize I am alone...well with Remi...though he protected me, it was a rough night of sleep so I only managed about 4 hours- ugh.  Anyway, I still popped out of bed at 8, got showered and ready for my day and met Lea for coffee at Village Bean.

Then I hit up the grocery store for a few dinner items and headed back home where I cleaned up and got organized....and went through the lovely gifts some friends brought me....this bad boy?  I can understand why you all rave about it...grateful it was brought to my house this year- ha!



Anyway, I continued the big task of wrapping. It was so nice to have alone time and quiet to get this done.  What I think is funny is that I was not interested in keeping Hallmark on in the background and kept up my binging of Beverly Hills 90210- ha!

Meanwhile in NYC...an acting workshop with a Broadway Star...amazing!



and in Vermont...

I then prepped my dinner which consisted of apps- my favorite kind of meal- I made shrimp cocktail dip and buffalo chicken deviled eggs- yum!

I got Remi outside for a walk...it was so beautiful and mild out!  He came back wiped out so mission accomplished- ha!  Time to guzzle some water....

After a luxurious nap, I poured a glass of Chardonnay and enjoyed some apps while watching Hallmark.


Meanwhile, In NYC, someone enjoyed Aladdin on Broadway too!

I then finished the wrapping and headed up to WHS at 11pm (yawn) to pick up Diana from her epic trip.  The drive home was full of entertaining stories for sure!


We were up bright and early and headed to Tuscan for breakfast together...and I got to hear about the rest of the weekend.  That capped off my Tuscan gift cards from my birthday and such a great way to use them :)

The Elves kept Mama on her toes all weekend too...needed to send pics to Eva in Vermont as she monitors their every move ;)

When we got home, the rest of the family had arrived so we caught up and then Eva and I headed off with Mary and Aby to Jane's Birthday Party at a rock climbing place - very cool.

After that, we just snuggled together...watched the Patriots get destroyed yet again and then watched Les Mis while sipping hot cocoa.  Diana headed to a choreography session after finishing all of her homework and studying for a test this week.

Though I loved my alone time, my heart was happiest when my family returned home...it is always the way right?  So...what were YOU up to? :)

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My Glittery Heart said...

What a great weekend! I love your favorite things party!

Joanne said...

What a fun weekend for all! It looks like everyone had a great time at their respective parties/games/events. I just got a new laptop last week (or maybe the week before) and said the same thing about timing. My old laptop kept getting overheated and shutting down so I figured it was time to bite the bullet.

Natasha said...

AAAAHHHHH -- Wicked and Aladdin?!?!? How much fun!!! And yes, I'm always excited to get rid of my family until bedtime and then I don't sleep well either. Glad that you're all together again.

Memphis Bridges said...

The appetizer tray from your party and the deviled eggs look so yummy! I blogged about Jingle Janle today as well. It is one of our favorite holiday snacks!

Maria Rineer said...

What a great weekend! It looks like Diana had a great time in NYC- wow, those shows and acting classes, too. Your favorite things party looked like so much fun! Yah for alone time... and family time ;). Hope you are enjoying your new computer!!

Sue said...

What a fun weekend. I was wondering if your friend might be willing to share her peppermint cheesecake bars? They sound amazing. I love everything peppermint and cheesecake. Thanks so much. Have a great week.


MandyJoyLoves♥ said...

Wow! I love your favorite things party, all the festive appetizers, and pajamas! Love your headband too! And how fun for your daughter to go to NY, that is on my bucket list for Christmas time!

Holly said...

@Sue here is a recipe for you! https://www.wenthere8this.com/no-bake-peppermint-cheesecake-bars-with-oreo-crust/

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