
Monday, December 18, 2023

Hello Monday (December 18, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here!  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up to us below.  We would LOVE to see what you were up to!

Here is what our little festive weekend looked like...

Friday Night

Back and forth to dance and Mama and Daddy headed to Zachary's for dinner and completely impromptu, our friends Kary and Kevin popped in and joined us.  We had a great night unwinding and laughing



Diana got picked up bright and early and headed to breakfast with her dance team.  Daddy took Remi to be groomed and Mama and Eva headed to Dunks to fuel up!  


We then all met up at the NEW and IMPROVED Elite Feet Artists Company as they hosted their ribbon cutting at their new location.  It was so fun and we got to tour the new digs...it is so beautiful....I am excited for the kids!

Then it was time for grocery shopping and getting organized for our week.

Daddy and Pidge headed to hockey- Diana took a good chunk of the day to clean her room and I watched some Hallmark and took a nap- it was wonderful!

That night, some kids came over to hang with the girls while Rob and I headed to the McLain's Holiday Party- one of our favorite nights all year- and it did not disappoint!


and then....we need our annual "field trip" down to the wine cellar of course...ha ha!!

and when we got home, we loved to see that the kids attempted the gingerbread houses we left for them ;)


Mass- Hockey- Yup My Heart

Cooking and then we headed to the cemeteries as we do every Christmastime to visit our loved ones.


A Lunch Break at Pressed


A Quick Pick Up At Gingerbread Construction Company of course...


and then last night, we set out to make another one of our favorite traditions happen- Zoo Lights and Dinner with Mimi and Papa!  We had a blast :)


Back at the house, Papa Pete surprised the girls with such special necklaces that have a very loving message from him- oh my heart!

 and Mimi spoiled us with her amazing meatball soup and my fave dessert of all time (she made it every year I came home from college on Christmas break)- Peppermint Angel Food Cake :)

So, what were you all up to?


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Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

What a festive weekend! I love the wine cellar video and the wine cellar! So fun!

Maria Rineer said...

Look like a great weekend! Love the pics at the party. That kitchen is amazing and the food and people in it look nice, too :). You guys always pack so much in and you even got a nap- I am impressed! The zoo lights look so pretty. Have a great Monday!

Natasha said...

What a FUN holiday-celebrating weekend! But with a nap, so extra glorious!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

Such a fun, fun weekend!

Andrea Nine said...

Now that looks like a festive weekend well spent. I love all the lights! Happy one week til Christmas sweetheart!

Joanne said...

Such a fun and festive weekend! That zoo lights looks fabulous.

Anonymous said...

That’s a great weekend!! I love your lights tradition with your parents!! The party looked like a blast.
Sarah @ Sunshine & Books

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