
Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy 3rd Birthday to Our Little Eva

Little Miss Eva, A.K.A. Pidge is 3 today!
We are celebrating on Saturday but I could not let this day go by without a shout out to our little "Sweet Girl."

From the moment she was born, she coo'ed like a pigeon, hence the name Pidge.

Don't get me wrong, she has a set of lungs and she is not afraid to use them.  She knows  how to stand up for herself and communicate what she wants.

She loves to snuggle and suck her thumb.  She loves her soft pink blanket and her stuffed animals like George, Blue George and Cocoa.

She loves the Minions, Dory, Aladdin and Jasmine, Zootopia, The Grinch, Inside Out, Teletubbies, Bubble Guppies and of course Curious George.

She loves to read and to be read to.

She loves her fruit and veggie pouches, pasta, mac and cheese, hot dogs, pizza and well all food- she is a great eater!

She is learning her colors and numbers and what it means to be a girl and a boy :)

She is a smart little chick and we have found that strangers come up to us and tell us how smart she is...we are just proud of her for being a sweet girl!

Happy Birthday my Little Pidge- Mama loves you!

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Tara @ Mommy In A Nutshell said...

Happy Birthday sweet girl! Hope you all had fun on your trip!

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