
Monday, May 7, 2018

Weekend Recap (Derby Edition!)

This was an exciting spring weekend and the festivities started on Friday!

Here is what our weekend looked like.....


I took the day off so I could enjoy the day ahead.  Diana had an art show at school and we loved coming to look at her artwork and hear her presentation on Georgia O'Keefe

That afternoon, I joined my PTA pals and we toured the schools to surprise our Finalist Candidates for the 2018 Educator of the Year award.  I am including the videos because the pictures just don't it justice.

Kristin Miller- WHS Finalist

Windham Center School Finalist- Lisa Sheehan

and GBS Finalist- Eric Graff!

That night, I joined Cass and BA at Old School for dinner and so much catching up- 6 hours later it had felt that no time had passed!


It was time to get my roots done so Robby B took the girls to Opening Day at Griffin Park and Diana got to march in the parade with her softball team.
 (and Wally and Tessie were there from the Red Sox!)

(and my bestie Jill took this one- FYI I don't know the kid on the far right) ;)

Later, I met Cass for lunch (because obviously we didn't get enough time to catch up the night before) ha ha!!  While I was at lunch, Daddy surprised me and planted my new flowers in the planters on our front steps....and Pidge helped...she was asking to help every day and Daddy humored her :)

That night, we took the girls up to the high school for the Windham Actors Guild production of Bye Bye Birdie- they LOVED it!  It was a great show


It was finally time to celebrate Eva's 4th birthday and she had TWO parties- a party for the kiddos at Love and Flour Bakery in Salem and then a party back at our home for our family and close friends.  It was an amazing day (stay tuned for a separate post with all of the details!)

So we were racing around all morning to prep BUT we took a short break to watch the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame Induction so I could cry over Bon Jovi :)

 Then we were off...it was Pidge's Big Day! :)

Can't wait to share all the details with you this week!

So much fun crammed into one weekend....Monday how did you get here so fast?

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