
Monday, March 17, 2025

Hello Monday and Hello St. Patty's Day Weekend!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  I am here with Sarah and we are chatting about our weekends.  If you did, link up with us!


Here is what ours looked like



Friday Night


It was time for our Annual St. Patty's Dinner- Hanover Street Chop House never disappoints...it was so great to catch up, share some laughs and decompress.




After that, we hopped on over to Dreo for a nightcap.





It was real estate all weekend for me!  I had an open house in the morning for my first listing and then did additional showings


Later on, I joined our end-of-season hockey party late...and stayed for a little bit.  Very bittersweet.  I needed to say goodbye to some of my favorite ladies of all time.



Yup...the dads got kinda wild- ha!

Some kids are moving on and Eva is one of them...she and a couple of her teammates were recruited for a higher level team next year and though we will miss our family here....we need to do what is best for her athletically...it is hard for sure though!


Diana worked and then spent the rest of the night with Lexi.


I crashed hard and early!





I headed to mass first thing with my father in law and then it was time for my next open house and additional showings.


Diana headed into Boston with one of her besties for the big St. Patty's Day parade in "Southy".  They had fun but got lost at one point and was helped by some very nice cops- can't make this stuff up!


 Then I came home to eat and rest for a bit before one more showing last night.


I had to miss out on Eva's hockey game but I hope this will be worth it.


Diana headed out with her BFF to get some supplies for junior prom which is sneaking up on us in three short weeks! Ahh!


It was a very busy weekend and I am wiped but my full time job seems to be picking up a bit too and the adrenaline always pushes me through when things are busy so I am ready for it!


What were you up to?





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Rightupmyaliway said...

Happy St. Patrick's day!! I love all the St. Patrick's day fun!! ;) The End of Year Hockey party sounds great but also bittersweet. I am like you, when work gets busy, my adrenaline keeps me going. Have a fun-filled week!

Maria Rineer said...

Your weekend looks great! Congrats to Eva for moving up- leaving one team is always bittersweet. I hope she loves her new team. Congrats on things picking up in both of your jobs. I hope you get your house sold- if the real estate market there is like it is here, it's a seller's market- hopefully the house will sell. Have a great Monday!

Amy Scott said...

Diana is living her best life! Your meal looks great!

Joyce said...

It sounds like your real estate listing is promising. I'm sure it's hard to leave a close group and team...the parents end up friends too which is a bonus to kids sports. Congrats to your daughter though for moving up. Hope your house sells this week!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Congratulations to Eva! Happy St Patrick's Day!

Joanne said...

That sounds like a wonderful weekend. Congratulations to Eva! That is a big accomplishment.

My Glittery Heart said...

Such a fun weekend!!

Anonymous said...

What a great weekend. It’s definitely bittersweet to be moving in for Eva! Exciting things coming!!

Anonymous said...

That’s was me - Sarah🩷

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