
Monday, December 30, 2024

Hello Monday (December 30, 2024)


Hi Friends!  I can't believe this is the last Hello Monday of 2024!  I would be lying, though, if I said I wanted to hold onto this year any longer-ha!  Looking forward to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025!  How about YOU?


Sarah and I are so grateful for all of our readers and bloggers who joined this linkup this year!  We are excited to continue Hello Monday in 2025!  Be on the lookout for our new logo soon!


In the meantime, we are chatting about our weekends and hope you will join us.


I am going to recap our Christmas Week..so here we go...


Monday Night


Cass and Steve hosted us for our annual dinner and gift exchange- it was such a cozy night and so good for the soul and to brighten our spirits :)




Christmas Eve


I started my day by meeting Lea for a tea and our gift exchange.  Then once the snow stopped, our little fam headed to the rail trail (even with Remi) for a nice walk


 Then it was home to get ready and make the lobster risotto.

Next up was mass...for most of us anyway and then home for our Christmas Eve Dinner- seafood and Mimi's "Christmas Eve Pasta" and presents from Mimi and Papa of course!

Christmas Day

We start the day with Santa's presents then the fam presents- it is always pure chaos and fun

 Then we enjoyed breakfast and relaxed a bit together.  The resting doesn't last, however, as we get ready to head to my parents for Christmas Dinner.

The days following Christmas

We worked...took down all of the Christmas decor...headed to Suzy's lake house for an overnight and enjoyed lots of hockey games courtesy of Eva...we also snuck in some walks at the rail trail and consumed healthy teas of course

The boys wrapped up the weekend by enjoying their Christmas gift- dinner in the North End of Boston and then a Celtics game!

and I wrapped up mine enjoying watching Eva in her Middle School Hockey Game :)

Back to work today...excited to get some things in place for 2025!



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Amy Scott said...

You've had so much fun and activity! And, you have had a bit of snow to add to the festive spirit! You look like a snow bunny on your walk - so pretty! Your hair looks amazing in the photo with Diana. I just ordered the L'Ange le duo grande. Hoping for success! ha!

Joyce said...

Your lobster risotto looks so good! And looks like lots of family fun. I love all the Christmas chaos and then the quieter week after. I still have all my decorations up but will probably take them down later this week. I always look forward to getting somewhat organized for the. new year. Wishing you a bright and happy 2025!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

What a fun filled week of family and friends that are like family! I enjoyed reading about how your family celebrates Christmas. Happy Monday, friend!

Maria Rineer said...

Love all the pictures of you guys looking merry and bright! Your celebrations look like they were full of love and good times- can't ask for anything more than that! Thanks for the link up and for continuing it in 2025 :).

Memphis Bridges said...

That walk looked so beautiful with the snowy trees! I am glad your family had some fun and rest for the Christmas week. That cakes was so pretty too! Thanks for hosting this!

Rajani Rehana said...

Lovely post

DeNae said...

Looks like you made the most of time with family and friends over the holiday. Wishing good things for you in 2025 after a tough year.

Jen White said...

Looks like a lovely Christmas. Your outdoor walks! Awesome. Love the Christmas family photos and Christmas cake looks delish. I hope you have a great start to 2025!

Joanne said...

What a fabulous week with the family celebrating! I love all the family photos.

csuhpat1 said...

Looks like an amazing Christmas. Very nice. Happy New Year to you and your family.

Sunshine and Books said...

Love all those fun traditions! Babies at Christmas are so fun! I can't believe you have so much snow already. Happy New Year!

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