
Monday, November 13, 2023

Hello Monday (November 13, 2023)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged about your weekend, please grab our graphic above and link back up with us below so we can see what you were up to!

Here is what our low key and cozy weekend looked like...


I started my day as I do most Fridays and that was at mass then I met the Soul Sisters briefly for coffee at our fave place in town

The girls were off from school for the Veteran's Day Holiday and convinced me to take them to Starbucks on my lunch break.  We shared some QT and some laughs AND I tried a recommended custom drink that has so many less calories than the regular holiday drinks.  You can have it made both hot and cold.  On Friday, I had it made cold.  It was an Iced Americano Coffee with Peppermint Foam.  Just the perfect little sweetness and taste of the holidays.

After work, my "stylist" Diana curled my hair for me ;)

That night, Lea and Mike came over for dinner.  I made Jimmy Fallon's Crockpot Chili.  You can find the recipe HERE along with Baked Mac N Cheese and an Autumn Salad

My friend Kary sent me a video of Diana and her team practicing a ballet number for their upcoming Christmas Show- they are supposed to be dolls- so fun!


Saturday meant dance drop off then a stop at Starbucks for Mama- this time I went for the hot option of this amazing drink- Americano with one pump peppermint and peppermint foam- delish!  The holiday cups make me so happy- what about you?


I finished binging "Why Women Kill" and Rob said "thanks for the warning" ha!!  We laughed so hard- seriously- two seasons- watch it now- so good!

Then I finished my 2nd book for November AND it is our Book Club Read for this month- I loved it!  "The New Couple" by Alison James- a great thriller!

Then I organized a play date for Eva which included a trip to Chic-Fil-A for lunch-these girls are so easy to please and get along sooo well! :)

That night, we continued watching some episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 and enjoyed some takeout.  Diana babysat. 


It meant mass then meal planning and groceries- cooking for the week- softball and hockey- homework and blogging...then wrapping up our cozy weekend with Eva's last hockey game of the weekend!

I feel like this weekend was the calm before the storm...next weekend will be Diana's show at school and Thanksgiving shopping...eeekk....the holidays are upon us!  What were you all up to?

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Anonymous said...

What a great weekend! Your dinner sounds delicious! Love all the friends and family time you got. And Rob’s response to your show made me giggle 🤭
Sarah - sunshine & books

Maria Rineer said...

I have not finished my post but I wrote something similar to yours at the end that this was the calm weekend before the storm of much busier ones. Yours looked so good- QT time with family and friends, good food and drinks. What more could you want? Have a great Monday!

Jennifer Goodwin said...

What a great weekend! I know you loved having extra time with your girls on Friday!

Natasha said...

I have to drive Rachel to dance next Saturday for a 45 minute class, and I've been dreading it, but I'm going to walk up to Starbucks and get my first holiday cup of the season! Thanks for the inspiration :)

Pamela said...

Busy weekend for you as usual! I never think to get an Americano with flavoring, will have to try it. Have a great week!

My Glittery Heart said...

What a great weekend!!

Rightupmyaliway said...

Looks like a great weekend! Love the Holiday drinks!! They're my favorite! I may need to try your recommendation. :)

Rightupmyaliway said...

What a great weekend! I love the Starbucks holiday drinks!! They're my favorite! I need to try your recommendation.

Julie's Creative Lifestyle said...

It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I love the way your hair came out. I hope you have a nice week.

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