All that shimmer and shine!
Everyone who knows me knows that I love sparkle...glitter...shimmer and shine. It is just me.
I especially love a little body or hair sparkle around the holidays. I could list some of my favorite products but I decided to feature just one because of the story behind it.
Have you heard of Maureen Kelly? She is the Founder and CEO of Tarte Cosmetics. Maureen started her company with a dream...major credit card debt and started working out of her apartment in NYC. Her husband Mark helped her make a dream a reality, however, just as her company Tarte was taking off, Mark was killed in the World Trade Center attacks on 9/11/01.
Maureen had a hard time getting out of bed after that, never mind running a business.
She did, however, find the strength to keep going...to keep her and Mark's dream alive and to go on for her employees. She kept going...she fought on.
In time, she rebuilt her life and built a very successful company...they are projecting to do $20 million in sales next year- unbelievable! More importantly, Maureen found love again, remarried and had two little boys.
This is one of those stories that truly inspires me...and not to mention, I am a big fan of some of her lovely makeup products.
This post, however, is dedicated to her Sugar Daddy Glistening Powder for Face and Body....and to apply it? The "French Tickler" brush...how appropriate! This powder ads just the right amount of shimmer to your holiday look.
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