So Jules and Cory had us over for a wonderful night of catching up and Christmasy fun for the kids.
We enjoyed chic, broccoli and ziti some yummy Spanish wine and some laughs...while the kids tore up the joint!
Diana had a ball playing with Caiden and Sara...she pushed their stroller around all night with a baby in it (Julie let us borrow a stroller because Diana loved it so much so now she can push her babies around everywhere)... the kiddos also played dress up among other things and even watched parts of Rudolph!
Another blessing....another year together with friends who are like family and this year is a big one for both of our families.
Rob and Cory were both out of work (for a short time compared to so many others) but both have just landed jobs and will start at the first of the year and we all are thanking God together!
Here is to an amazing 2011! To Blessings Galore!
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