So my dear friend Laurie suggested we do pottery for our long over due, girls night out. One word? BLAST! It is so fun, right around the corner and a great activity during the cold winter months.
"You're Fired!" is located in Brekenridge Plaza in Salem but there are other locations across Southern NH...they even have ladies nights and encourage you to bring wine and snacks...check them out at www.yourefirednh.com
Laurie made a new coffee mug for her hubby Rick and I made a new sushi platter for the Breton homestead.
We had so much fun catching up...filling each other in on town politics and gossip and just reconnecting...it has been too long.
Laurie has had a tough year between business and family loss and stress and you would never know it...she has become a gym rat...looks fabulous and is always full of so much unconditional love for her friends who need her like me
Love you!!
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