61. I am troubled by the death of Nancy Kerrigan's dad...my heart breaks when I think about him always working two jobs to pay for her skating lessons, competitions, etc and being such a great dad and husband. He took care of his legally blind wife and was always found at the Stoneham Ice Arena...a few years of my childhood was also spent at the same arena and my dad would take me for lessons on Saturday mornings. I still remember him telling me "you know that Nancy Kerrigan that helps the teachers? She is very good and all of the parents are saying she will eventually go to the Olympics." Shortly after he told me that...I was at a lesson and this girl comes skating up to our group SO FAST...she does this hockey stop right next to me and the snow from the ice goes flying...I looked up and said "I think that is her"...today the streets of Stoneham were all blocked off as Mr. Kerrigan's funeral was happening at St. Pat's...Rest in Peace
62. I was convinced that I would marry Michael Jackson when I was in 6th and 7th grades...later, in Middle School and even up to Sophomore Year at AHS, I was convinced I would marry Richie Sambora from Bon Jovi..I have seen Bon Jovi 8 times in concert and they remain my favorite band
63. Other favorite bands include the Gin Blossoms, Lifehouse, Dave Matthews Band, Rascal Flatts and any band that Rob is in :)
64. I think my stepson is one of the most special people I have ever met and I think he will someday be our President (one of the first honest politicians if you will)
65. I am OBSESSED with Wii golf and we are having a family tournament that has been SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eat your heart out Tiger ;)
66. Debbie Gibson is one of my idols
67. So I was always involved in my church youth group...I had a great relationship with our church priest too. Before I was going in to audition for the AHS production of Guys and Dolls in 91, I went to see Father Paul and asked him if we could say a prayer so I would get the part of Adelaide...he was so good and stood over me and raised his hand over my head and had us say the prayer together....well I didn't get it but I did get the part 4 years later as a senior at UMASS Dartmouth...this story is my prime example of God always listens to your prayers and always answers them...not always in your "time frame" but he does...and my father-in-law always reminds me of this one
68. Jennifer Weiner is my favorite author and I got to meet her last Summer...what I learned is that she is truly a comedian too! Even Rob agreed...I think she was flirting with him and I think he would agree with that statement too!
69. I get squirmy when anyone says this number or reads it out loud and then Zack always laughs (like he really knows what is going on....HA HA!!!!)
70. I was the most serious baby ......my parents tell me that people would KILL themselves trying to make me smile and all I would do was stare....BOY how things change! (On the flip side, my brother never stopped smiling and laughing and would walk away with a stranger if you let him....again how life has changed!)
71. We run a photography business.....it is a side business but it is something we both enjoy...and we like spending the time together...my husband is teaching me how to be a great photographer...I find it as another excuse of how I can be close to weddings! I love photographing people in love especially :)
72. I am on the high school boosters board now and feel like this is where I should've been all along...it is fun group and we put together fun events that support the high school athletic program...I have actually met some of my newest and closest friends because of my work on this board....how ironic...when one door closes...another opens
73. I love the way Cassandra still twirls her paper sticks
74. My friend Laurie is the best cook and will open a restaurant someday...she already has a few offers from investors who want to back her...in addition to her talent of cooking, she makes me laugh....SO HARD...her stories are the BEST
75. I make a photo scrapbook on Shutterfly for every year of our lives..I record EVERY MEMORY through photos...from backyard dinners to baseball games to family vacations, graduations and other special times...everything is recorded FOREVA
76. I have completed one 5k so far...10k is my next goal...and then half marathon and then finally the Boston Marathon...I hope to accomplish this within 5 years
77. I love the way Diana mimics me and pretends to talk on the phone...hysterical
78. I still cannot feel certain parts of my stomach...after my c section....and I probably will never feel them again
79. I LOVE to tan...I know I know...but something is going to kill me...I might as well be happy!
80. I love the way my husband and my step kids imitate me...it is really funny and very accurate
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