
Monday, June 19, 2017

Weekend Recap (June 19, 2017)

We had a lovely little weekend.  I say lovely because it was the perfect mix of fun activities and some relaxation too!

Friday Night

The photographer who took Beth Ann's Birthday pics sent out a few as a teaser.  The general consensus is that we LOVE the black and white shot.  It captures the laughs we had and it is flattering of all of us.  What do you think?

 Rob had to speak at the WHS Graduation- the Chairman of the School Board always makes the welcoming speech.  The girls and I were going to go because we are so proud of him but the rain moved the ceremony inside and the tickets were limited.  We were happy, though, that they broadcasted it live on our local cable station.  We watched and we loved it.  I taped it at home but also video'd it on my phone.  If you watch the video, you can see Pidge walking back and forth with her doll carriage- so glad we will always have this!


It was time for Eva's last gymnastics class of the season and her celebration ceremony- precious...that's all.....

After gymnastics, we divided and conquered.
Rob took Eva up to Hampton to a sports shop to get her first hockey skates and hockey helmut.  
Diana and I had a breakfast date and then we headed to do our Father's Day shopping.  As Diana put it, "it is good that we are having some alone time...without Eva." I chuckled to myself but told her I agreed...it is important to have our alone and special time :)

After that, we got to relax for awhile.  It was so nice not to have to race off anywhere.  I had picked up a few accent pieces at TJ Maxx for our family room and got those out.  I think they changed the room completely.  It is amazing to me that a little pop of color can change an entire room!  (Zach agreed- hysterical)

We headed to 4pm mass for a change and that was nice and the girls headed down for a sleepover with Papa and Grammy.  Rob and I had an awesome date night!

He had a gift certificate from his birthday last October.  It is to one of our favorite restaurants, Seaglass in Salisbury.  The view is outstanding and the food did not disappoint.  Our favorite part though, was having some alone time...we haven't had that in a really long time and it was wonderful.

After dinner, I put my toes in the ocean for the first time this year....pure bliss

On our drive home, I made Rob take a detour so I could see the beach cottage we stayed in every summer.  I snapped a pic of the outdoor shower because that was my Dad's FAVORITE part of the whole house.  It was such a family joke!


The boys headed out to play golf and the gals met Cass and Alexis at Village Bean for coffee and such.  Great way to start our day.

After that, we headed home and all the kids came over to present Daddy with his gift- a Fitbit Watch- so awesome!  His favorite part though? Having them all home and their meaningful card...priceless

 After that, we headed to a late lunch/early dinner for my dad at Fusion Taste in Stoneham- one of our faves!  We had a great time and the food was incredible as always.

 We ended the day by enjoying my mom's homemade pies and the girls got to run and play outside for a bit.  The Dads all agreed that they had a wonderful day!

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A Gal Named Al said...

How sweet that your friend had pictures done with you all! Eva is going to play hockey??? I can't wait to see this! Have a wonderful week!

Tara @ Mommy In A Nutshell said...

Hockey?! That's amazing! I'm laughing at the outdoor shower. That's my favorite part of ANY beach house.

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