
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

2016 Fourth of July Weekend!

My Favorite Time of the Year and we lived it up to the fullest!

Thursday night I took Diana and Sam for Fro Yo and then we headed to meet our friends at the Windham Fireworks- we always pack a picnic dinner; the kids have a ball running around, eating frozen slushies and the adults enjoy catching up with friends from town- it is one of my favorite nights all year

Friday night was my time to do all of the shopping for our big shindig on Saturday.  What a workout!  Ha ha!  It is okay because after I was done, I crashed!  Rob had a gig and once I put the baby down I  watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2- I didn't think it would even compare to the first and I have to say, it is just as good! Diana spent the day and night with my parents- they went to see finding Dory- they said it was fabulous so I am sure we will be taking her again so we can enjoy too!  

Saturday, I got my last training run in and then together with Rob, we worked to put together a great party/cookout.  We were very pleased with the outcome- I think it was one of our parties ever- everyone said they had an awesome time- so relaxing- many laughs and the kiddos had a crazy good time too!

 Red, White and Blue Pasta Salad!  Find the Recipe HERE
 Red, White and Blue Caprese Salad
Find the Recipe HERE

Watermelon Sangria (BIG hit- was glad- not sure it was going to be liked but it was LOVED!) Find the Recipe HERE
*Disclaimer- I added some shots of Watermelon Vodka and that truly made it "just strong enough" :) 

 and the prettiest little strawberry from my lovely Lea XO

Sunday was Family Day- After mass, Mimi and Papa came over and we cooked out- it was "burger bar day" and we had a ball

and Mimi made a delicous festive pie for the ocassion- Blueberry Raspberry- YUM!

On the 4th of July, I got up early, got my running outfit on and set out to run my first 5k since having kids.  I knew it would be tough.  My training only lead me to to 2.2 miles and I would have to complete 3.1.  The other challenge, I knew, would be the hills.  We trained on the flat Rail Trail in town and this time I would be running a course.  My friend Mary volunteered to do it with me.  She is an avid runner but she said she knew how tough it would be to go alone.  I had been training with friends but all had other plans for the 4th.  It was daunting to say the least, however, I wanted to do it after working so hard and you know what?  I did.
I ran the first 2.2 miles- stopped and walked and got water and then started running at the end again- all in all, I am calculating that I ran 2.5 out of the 3.1.  My best distance and time ever.  My next goal is to run the entire 5k.
Mary got us tutus which we got so many compliments on and Rob and the girls were waiting at the finish line- very emotional for me- tough stuff but so happy when it was over!

Group Picture of the GDTC that I was part of

After my race, it was time for my little family to have some alone time- we had what I would call the perfect day ever! We headed to Rockport (which a seacoast town in Mass) and we walked around, shopped, took pics and had an awesome lunch at 7th Wave- I have been craving steamers and we got not one but two orders.  Guess who also learned that she loved steamers?  Yep, Little Miss Diana!
It was a beautiful day to round up such an awesome 4th of July Weekend- blessed!

One of the most photographed structures in the U.S!

Diana and I even got to dip our toes in the ocean- pure bliss!

  and last night we wrapped up with watching Jaws- Diana wasn't even too scared- she asked a million questions of course but enjoyed it like we did!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th! 

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