
Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trick-Or-Treating 2012

So...thanks to Hurricane Sandy...Trick-Or-Treating was postponed in Windham 
and Diana got to partake

We had carved Jack-O-Lanterns weeks ago (as you may remember) and we even trick-or-treated in Disney (opportunity of a lifetime) but we gave it one last hurrah last Saturday night (we also needed something to cheer us up with the abrupt end of football)

So we got carving...Diana got decked out in her Cinderella garb and Daddy took her trick-or-treating while Mama gave out candy and sipped on a caramel apple martini of course ;)

I could not shake my feeling of true gratitude.  It was nights like this, that I am reminded again how lucky we are to live in the neighborhood we do and in the warm house we adore.  I LOVED giving out the candy to the cute little kiddos...meeting some neighbors I hadn't met yet and just loving looking out the door at kids running between houses.  So so grateful!

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