
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Monthly Musings: Summer Food Edition

Hi Friends!  Glad you stopped by!  Hope you will join Patty and me for our Monthly Musings Linkup.  This month we are talking "Summer Food."  If you chat about Summer Food, please linkup with us below..we can't wait to see all of your summer fare!

1. Favorite Summer Dish

All the funky and different salads that accompany our grilling and cookouts- salads just taste better in the summer especially when we can benefit from the freshest ingredients!

2. Favorite Cookout Side Dishes

See above...salads...but also love potato dishes, fruit and different grilled veggies

3. Eating Al Fresco- Yes or No?

Yes please...and we try to do that as much as possible since our warm season is much shorter here in New England

4. What Foods Do I Eat More in the Summer?

Corn On the Cob and Watermelon- two of our favorite sides that we eat all summer long and not a lot other times of the year

5. Share Your Favorite Summer Recipe

It would have to be Ina Garten's Roasted Shrimp with Orzo- you can find the recipe HERE

The best part about this recipe is that you can serve it warm or cold..delish either way!

6. Blueberry Pie or Strawberry Shortcake?

Blueberry Pie all the way...Blueberry anything actually....it is my favorite flavor!

7. Favorite Summer Beverage?

Ice Cold Sauvignon Blanc or Ice Cold Rose....nothing better with shellfish..nothing! ;)

8. Ketchup?  Mustard?  Relish?  Mayo?

Depends on the dish...I really like them all!

9. Gas Grill?  Charcoal?  Big Green Egg?

Thanks to Patty I just learned what the Big Green Egg is and it sounds perfect!  I am good with any kind of grilled food but I love the smell of a charcoal grill because it brings back great memories of my childhood summers :)

10. Popsicle or Ice Cream?

All of the above?  Ha!  I love ice cream but around Memorial Day and/or The 4th of July, I love joining my girls in enjoying a patriotic Bomb Pop!

and here is our schedule for the rest of the year...hope to see you back here soon!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What's Up Wednesday (May 2020)

So our quarantine is over in these parts (for now) and we are slowly getting back out there...though I thought I would be celebrating...with Rob's job loss, it is a stressful time...but this is one of my places to spread the joy so I will try and keep it that way besides with wonderful support, how can I not feel at least some joy right?  Linking up with Sheaffer and Shay HERE and sharing "What's Up" with us...

What We're Eating This Week

Monday 5/25- Memorial Day BBQ- Steak Tips, Salads and Sides

One of our sides was this festive Red, White and Blue Potato Salad.  You can find the recipe HERE 

Tuesday 5/26- Mimi’s Parisian Chicken and Corn On The Cob

Wednesday 5/27- Leftovers

Thursday 5/28- Grilled Cheese for Kiddos and Grilled
 Fish and Veggies for Mama and Daddy

Friday 5/29- Takeout

What I'm Reminiscing About

Last Summer...quite a bit...with a pain in my heart...when life was "normal" and yes sometimes stressful but filled with hope...trying to get that feeling back

What I'm Loving

Being able to have our windows open- FTW

What We've Been Up To

Diana and I set out to start "spreading the joy" and delivered some goodies and had some nice driveway visits a few weeks ago

and this past weekend, we started seeing friends again for some outdoor gatherings...feels good to be around our people again...

and Mama and Daddy have actually golfed two Sundays in a row...more fun this past weekend with Lea and Mike :)

What I'm Dreading

IF and that is only and IF the kids don't go back to school in the Fall...we are making it through this semester but not sure how we would handle the fall so I am hoping and praying they can go back :(

What I'm Working On

Trying to make placements...helping my kids with school work and helping my husband network and land his next job...so not that much really ;)

What I'm Excited About

Going back to my office in a few weeks...sounds silly I know but I need my work peeps and need to see their faces even if it is only 1-2 days per week

What I'm Watching/Reading


(Binge-Watched both seasons and now making my way through it again...did you catch the concert and reunion last week on People.com?  So cool AND the best news ever is that they are creating a Broadway Musical based on this hit...so exciting...the show brings me joy...just going to keep watching it to wind down at night...don't judge ;)

Dead To Me

Just wrapped up Season 2- wow!  Just as exciting as Season 1- what do you think?

 Defending Jacob- on Apple TV

Based on the novel we read for book club last year...incredible...just hate that I can only watch an episode a week....I need to binge it...just as good as the book!


Just returned..but we are not loving it...sigh

American Housewife

Still so cute...concerned about things I have been seeing on Instagram...like wondering if it is not coming back...that would be a bummer

and my two books for May were

Reshaping It All- Candace Cameron Bure

 Highly recommend if you are a Christian woman- thank you for recommending this one!

Big Summer- Jennifer Weiner

Finishing this one up this week and I love it....a little romance...a little drama...lots of Jennifer Weiner's humor...another summer winner!

What I'm Listening To

I was so excited this past weekend and here is why..I made a Memorial Day Weekend Playlist and not just any patriotic playlist...most of the songs are from the World War II Era...I was paying tribute to my grandfathers who served and some of the tunes I found brought back warm family memories...our parents enjoyed a cookout with us here on Monday and I played the songs and everyone agreed it was a hit!  (Side Note My Father In Law also served during a time between the Korean War and Vietnam)

What I'm Wearing

A Little Leopard

A Little Lilly  (yeah my hair is finally normal again)

and a little Red, White and Blue on Memorial Day!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Being outside as much as possible...fingers crossed for a great forecast!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

School being out...quality time with family...that's about it right now

What Else Is New

Pretty Much Covered It...Keepin' The Faith

What's New With You?
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