
Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week 8 Edition- We are at the 2 Month Mark Friends)

Happy Friday Friends!  Hope you are all staying healthy and safe and finding the joy and hope.
Linking up HERE and sharing some faves from this week....

Memory Book

I am excited about the trinkets I snagged my Mom this year for Mother's Day but I am most excited about a memory book I put together for her.  I wrote down memories of her from my entire life and included a few pics...I was inspired to do it and just went with it...brought me joy and hope it brings her some as well...

Town Sign

The new words...the song now on our town sign....mean so much to us...this is Rob's song for his mom and it always comes on when he is least expecting it and when he really needs it....warms my heart :)

Meal Planning

Yes it has been on point..not bragging...just happy that we can make different meals...keep some variety and get the kids to eat...but this week, I have to admit...our meals have been colorful and I am psyched because "eating the rainbow" is one of my goals!

Here are some winners from our meals from this week

Grilled Chicken with Cherry Chipotle Salsa 
Find the Recipe HERE 
(and for the girls, they barely had any salsa on theirs...you get the point) ;)

We enjoyed this with corn on the cob AND a veggie fried rice.  I used THIS recipe as a guide :)

Veggie Frittata

I made this one with three egg whites, one egg, 1/2 sweet potato, a cup of purple cauliflower, a shallot, a few mushrooms and a cup of spinach- sprinkled a little shredded parm on top and called it a day!

Cinco de Mayo was EPIC (not really just go with it)
We did tacos- basic chicken tacos for the kiddos and fancier ones for the rents- chicken, diced green chiles, corn, avocado, cilantro, brown rice and TJ's cilantro avocado dressing on one and TJ's mango salsa on the other- delish!  It was Pidge approved ;)

I also whipped up these Spicy Grapefruit Margaritas for Rob and me- pure delish!
You can find the recipe HERE


Hey...stuck at home right?  Might as well try some different flavors?   We usually make our coffee at home anyway but when I meet up with a friend or a candidate for coffee or before hitting my office, I will sometimes stop at a Starbucks or Village Bean for a special coffee....nevertheless when it is Keurig every day, we are trying to keep it exciting....started Coconut this week (trying to bring on summer) and snagged some other faves- Peanut Butter and Jelly and Bananas Foster- delish!


Always striving to follow it...to find it...my hubby sent me this one this week...to help keep me on the right path :)

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Rechelle said...

Oooo that margarita with your tacos, yum! Happy Friday Holly & fam :)

Good Better Best Food said...

I love Pidge eating her taco with her Spider Man costume on like it is totally a natural thing! Too cute.

Love the sign too and that it is Rob's special song.

Happy Mother's Day sweet friend.


Andrea Nine said...

Those K cups sound yummy! That is so sweet about the memory book, I know your mom will absolutely love it! I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day!

Joanne said...

Oh I bet your mom is going to LOVE that book! We have been meal planning using lots more vegetables lately too; my boys tend to pick them out whenever they can but I did sneak in a lot when I mixed up some cauliflower Alfredo sauce for our cheesey lasagna and I added 1 cup of shredded zucchini to it too; my pickiest eater didn't even notice at all! Otherwise he would have picked out every single little piece. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day!

Sunshine and Books said...

Holly, I bet your mom is going to love that!! Have a great weekend! Happy Mother’s Day!

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Could you cook for my family?! Your meals are so inspiring and indeed colorful! Hope you have a great weekend.

My Glittery Heart said...

Looks like y'all are still making the best of the quarantine life! I think we can finally say we are UNquarantined because everything is pretty much opened back up here.

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