
Friday, May 15, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week 9 Edition)

Hi Friends!  We made it through Week 9 of Quarantine...can I get a what what?  Truth be told, things in NH have started to loosen up...they have opened the golf courses, some stores and outlets and hair salons (for limited services) and next week restaurants will be open for outdoor seating (with new safety protocols)

Although we have not ventured out yet...these slow and safe changes are giving us some hope.  Now I am following what is happening in Massachusetts closely too because most of my business and clients sit in Mass.  They were hit much harder than we were up here with this awful virus but the Governor will slowly be opening things up over the next few weeks.  I will be watching...I have candidates waiting to go into companies for final rounds and it has been both stressful and heart breaking....anyway I am preaching to the choir...just needed to vent a little...now I am good- ha! 

As always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE and sharing some faves from our week....

Diana's Video Project

Diana's Ballet Director is putting together a fun video of her dancers...she will include a piece from every student's dance- the dance is one of the pieces they will have to perform for the RAD judges (we are hoping to finally get these accomplished in September). Can't wait to see how this turns out!


Eva's Kindergarten Virtual Talent Show

Sigh...this made my heart swell and ache all at once...I keep trying to celebrate and then end up mourning what could've been...anyone else feeling that?  Regardless, she played her drums for her talent and it was priceless


 Fave Quarantine MEMEs

Outdoor Workouts

This week it finally started getting nice out and we seized the day!  I met my bestie Beth Ann at sunrise at our local rail trail for an awesome workout/power walk and catch up...it reminded me how much I enjoy this flat walk and I started thinking about running again..such a good stress relief...God knows I need it right now

and then last night, after work, Diana and I did a power walk in our neighborhood with our besties, the McLains...and my legs are still shaking!  We hit so many hills!  Felt so good...the weather was beautiful and gave me more hope


and I will leave you with this.  Thanks to several of you, I just wrapped up Candace Cameron Bure's book (more on that next week)...we have tried a few of her recipes but this one was my fave so far so I promise to share it with you...until then...hope your mouth waters!

 Have a wonderful weekend friends....

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Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Those memes are all so good-I was laughing out loud. Can’t wait to see more recipes from that cookbook!

Andrea Nine said...

My mouth is watering. You find the best quotes and memes. Have a super sweet weekend. We are still not venturing out for awhile.

Sunshine and Books said...

Those walks look so lovely!! I am really enjoying power walks lately too! I have been hearing about Candace Cameron Bure’s book and can’t wait to hear your take on it. That picture looks delicious!! And thank you for sharing those memes! They are exactly what I am feeling/needing right now!! Have a super weekend!!

Bri Runde said...

I can't believe it's been 9 weeks of all this. Our state reopened to phase one end of April, so things "feel" like they are sort of going back to "normal" but it definitely makes you wonder how long before it will feel like it used to again.

Your sweet girls... those were big moments to have to do virtually.

I love that ultrasound meme, haha!

Joanne said...

I bet it felt wonderful to go walking with friends! I think that is what my boys and I are most anxious for.

Tanya said...

Texas has been partially open for two weeks now, and things are very slowly feeling more normal. We had our first restaurant meal yesterday. Have a wonderful weekend! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

Jess said...

That Brene Brown quote is spot-on. I'm in no rush to get back to the chaos that defined my previous normal!

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