
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Here We Go Again...

Wind storm in NH- Day 2 with No Power
Thank God we have the best parents ever
More to come (updating you via Blackberry because God Forbid I don't work 24x7)

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

and so it continues...

185. made the toughest placement I have ever made this week...do I feel rewarded? No...still don't feel like it is good enough right now (lot more where that came from)

186. I miss my friend Jacinda who now lives in Texas....I hope we can get down there for a visit while our kids are young :)

187. I got some really good news yesterday...news I can only share with my husband right now and I am BUSTING at the seams...I need to keep the news a secret for a really long time (I am talking years)and I don't know how I am going to do it...those who know me, know that I love to share good news with the WORLD...oh well for now ;)

188. Most commonly used words and phrases for Q1 2010...personally and professionally...GENERATOR.....CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC....GOD WILLING...TERRIBLE TWOS A LITTLE EARLY

189. My friend Laurie (another Laurie, spelled the same way) is one of the kindest people I have ever met...she has taught me much about being diplomatic and making tough decisions to ensure the best for your family

190. My best friend Cassandra is expecting another baby in 2 months! It is going to be another girl and I can't believe the time is almost here...I am sure she doesn't think it went by as fast as I do :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


More fun at Gym-Ken

Michelle Farrell for School Board!

So a friend from town and someone I look up to is running for school board. She is an educated and articulate woman with educational, professional and personal credentials that make her an ideal candidate for the post.

I volunteered to help her with her campaign. I started a Facebook page for her and held her sign at our town transfer station yesterday.

While standing on the corner of 111 and the transfer station, I had two hours to stand there think and contemplate various things. I thought to myself- when was the last time you had two hours alone to think....total silence..with the sun shining on your face? I could not remember.

What I thought, though, was how lucky Michelle is to have a team of volunteers to help her with her campaign. I also thought about all of the things I respect about her.

She is a wife and a mother of three beautiful girls. She is active in her community- had the pleasure of working with her on PTA for three years. She has completed the Boston Marathon more than once-she is brilliant and gorgeous. We also share a passion for Lilly Pulitzer.

Above all, she is a classy woman who accepts all. I think we need her on our school board as she has first hand experience, knows the issues and truly understands what our kids need.

Check out her website- www.michellefarrell.org

Don't forget, to go to the polls on Tuesday March 9th (those of you Windhamites)...for the first time ever, the polls will be held at Windham High School! 7am-7pm.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Sara Susannah Katz Returns!

You may notice that SSK found my blog and saw I was a big fan- I was ecstatic when she posted a comment sharing her great news. She has started a new column/series/website. I have put the link below- copy and paste it into your browser and enjoy!

Her work is amazing


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sick of me yet? ha ha!!

154. I am giving up swearing for lent

155. Ice skating, of course, is my favorite part of the Winter Olympics...but I can't help but wish that Nancy Kerrigan was still skating...I used to be OBSESSED when she was skating...loved to watch her and Kristy Yamaguchi and Tonya Harding.....and Nancy's costumes were the best too because they were all designed by Vera Wang

156. Want to build a wine cellar once we move

157. I can smell Spring and have you noticed that the days are getting lighter??? I always get butterflies when this happens....it is SO CLOSE :)

158. Have I mentioned that I hate snow?????????

159. My hubby gave me the sweetest Valentine's gift... a GLEE tee shirt- YAHOO :)

160. Have you ever noticed that the most ignorant and uneducated people are often the most outspoken and opinionated? me too!

161. More favorite things....goat cheese, green tea, sage green, soaking in a hot jacuzzi, the zone my mom is in when she runs, Little Sprouts, white lillies, blue hydrangeas, gerbera daisies, peach roses, red roses, tulips, working moms, coffee, babies with chubby thighs, Easter season in church, a black cardigan, a green scarf, all things ocean

162. My last text message was from Rob

163. My profile picture was taken at The Kowloon in Saugus, MA (during a company Christmas party)

164. I don't tell anyone my middle name unless I HAVE to ;)

165. Work is on my mind right now

166. I am stressed...worried...and hoping our economy picks up enough for us to stay afloat (I know you are all saying what the hell else is new!)

167. I am wearing an aqua shirt right now that is showcasing my Florida tan...don't want it to fade!!!!

168. I am getting closer with my Dad...and that makes me really happy

169. If I could go back in time, I would change a few things...I am sure you can guess what they would be too

170. I used to have a crazy side...don't have time or freedom to be crazy anymore...what a shame

171. My favorite month is June (right between my two favorite seasons- Spring and Summer)

172. Charlie Sheehan has the same birthday as me...what a hoot

173. If I could have one super power, I would have ESP

174. If I go to Starbucks for a special treat...extra something once in a while...I usually order a small coffee or in the warm weather a "skinny non fat iced cinnamon dolce latte"

175. I have a feeling I will be watching kiddie movies all over again, very soon if Miss Diana has her way! (and of course she will)

176. Clean cotton is my favorite scent

177. I would like to pick up French again...after studying it for 7 years..I would think it wouldn't be too difficult

178. While we are on foreign languages, I would LOVE EVEN MORE to learn Italian

179. If I had to describe my life in one word? GIFT

180. I have kissed in the rain...I have kissed on a beach

181. Right now I am thinking of work...the economy...business...making placements

182. I should be cleaning

183. Coupons? Well I have this friend Jenny...she is a coupon Nazi and she has trained me to start doing this...it especially helps us with diapers and wipes and I wish I was more deliberate with this..my mom is another coupon Nazi and she got that from her Dad

184. I go to Bella Viaggio in Windham every other Saturday to get my hair done....I would highly recommend both Sam and Maria as hair stylists...if they can do my hair..they can do anyone's hair (guilty pleasure? we consider it part of our family budget and a necessity in order to live like a normal person)

Pink Lady is Famous!

The Marriott Harbor Beach Resort found my blog and the positive words I shared about them so they posted a link to Pink Lady on their Facebook Fan page- I am so excited!

Copy the address below and paste it into your browser to see :)


Saturday, February 13, 2010


148. Ok...so I wanna show you Jim and Pam's spoof now...enjoy

149. The most scary and exciting and successful time I ever had at work was starting well (saving) OPIS....the entire start-up experience was terrifying and then such a blast and it wouldn't have taken off and been so successful without my partners in crime...Donna, John, and Rick....and later on Missy and Caitlin :)

150. I love how Diana says balll.....Papa even when Mimi asks her to say Mimi....Dada! BA! Elmo...HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (she is already so outgoing just like Mama another word she says occasionally

151. I have come to realize I sit too much..some of it is out of my control because of the nature of my work but I need to move more...starting NOW!

152. My husband is the best father and my mom says I am very lucky to have him

153. After our awesome trip to Fort Lauderdale, I became a fan of Cuban food...who knew?

A Few Days in the Sun.....

When my parents said they were hopping on down to Fort Lauderdale for a week.....we spontaneously agreed to join them for a few days...so many asked why only for a few days? We just needed a few days in the sun...a few days away from the drama we are always pulled into and a few days for us (if we may be so selfish) ;)

We had a blast....we were concerned about Monk on the plane but she did great- both ways! The best decision was getting her, her own seat. She was so proud of herself sitting in a big seat, all by herself. Then she had fun walking between both of us...playing with her phone...reading her books...and just working the crowd (the flight crew)

Although it was only in the mid 60's in Fort Lauderdale...we thoroughly enjoyed soaking up the rays by the pool (and getting ALOT of color I may add). The Marriott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa is THE place to stay down there...by far, the best hotel and only resort I believe. The service was impeccable....gorgeous grounds...all the little extras....we really didn't feel like we were in Florida...we felt like we were at a resort in the Caribbean...kudos to my mom for finding this place!

A big shout out to Cyd, our Concierge. Usually I do lots of research and pick our dining destinations...this time...I truly didn't even plan and I am so glad. We truly experienced the best dining experience that any of us have EVER HAD at Mario's Catalina. Cyd (the Concierge) recommended Mario's if we were up for being adventurous and open to trying Cuban food....we said...why not! WELL...from the moment we walked in the door, we were treated like royalty (I guess Mario treats all Marriott customers like gold!)

Mario, himself, greeted us at the door with kisses. We had four servers and the first one recommended the sampler platter as an appetizer so we could try different Cuban foods like plantains, empanadas, grilled pork, ham croquettes and grilled beef...it was ALL so yummy!

While my parents enjoyed a pitcher of traditional red sangria, Rob and I went out on a limb and enjoyed a pitcher of the white sangria...it had just the right combination of melon, peach and apple flavors.

For dinner, my mom and I enjoyed the red snapper with prawns and white sauce. Rob enjoyed the Jack Daniels pork and my Dad enjoyed the skirt steak with lobster.

We decided to pass on dessert BUT Mario had other plans....he ordered his staff to bring us four complementary desserts so we HAD to indulge...we enjoyed trying the caramel flan, chocolate peanut butter cake, chocolate torte and some other chocolate madness...sheer heaven.

Just when we didn't think it could get any better, as we are leaving, Mario brings my mom and I each a bottle of wine...a nice Cab Shiraz blend from California. We were thrilled!

We are fans of Cuban food now and would highly recommend Mario's Catalina in Fort Lauderdale- definitely 5 Breton Stars...ha ha!!!

Check out our resort www.marriottharborbeach.com
It truly felt like paradise

Enjoy the photos...especially my Patron nip...that is necessary "pre-flying drinkage"

On our second day, we enjoyed more time by the pool and dinner at 15th Street Fisheries...not nearly as much as Mario's but the view was second to none...right on the intercoastal.

Right before dinner, we had a family photo shoot right on the beach, which is complimentary for all Marriott guests as well! Wait until you see those photos...I will need to add them later as they are being shipped to us!

The time away, though for a few days, was truly relaxing. It was quality family time with my parents and "The Monk" and we will never forget it.
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