So MONK! (I just love how that name stuck) You are on the go lady! You started to crawl....well army crawl right now...you move your arms and drag your body and ocassionally you will throw a knee in there...too cute. You are having a tough time sitting still but that is okay...it is so magical to see you grow.
We have had a busy few months. You enjoyed Mother's Day, Zack's Academic Recognition Night, Zack's 8th Grade Graduation, Meet the Coaches Night and several baseball games. You are becoming a regular in town and everyone loves you! (What's not to love as Zack says) You also went to your first Strawberry Fesitval AND Festab all...both big events in Windham...you really enjoyed then BUT what you enjoyed the most was taking your first ride on the swings. At first you were looking at us like "what are you two getting me into now?" Then you kept smiling and you went into a zone- so cute!
You are starting to move on to Stage 3 foods which provide you with very small solid pieces of food...you are funny though. I think you are just like me and that is "resistant to change" because every time we introduce a new food...you make the weirdest faces and sometimes gag but after having it twice...you are good. What is interesting to me is that you LOVE veggies even more so than fruit...rare for a kid! You love squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and green beans. You do like your fruits too but bananas are your favorite! We limit those though because they tend to constipate you...I know someday you will read this and say "MOM...you are SO EMBARRASSING!" Ahhh....motherhood.
You FINALLY cut your first tooth....we can see it sometimes but you still do a great job of hiding it with your tongue so no pictures yet!
You just had your first taste of ice cream too. Your friend Ava just turned 1 and we had a blast at her birthday party (you will see a separate post for that)
You are having a blast at daycare even though Miss Janine has been out as her son has been ill. The other teachers, though, have picked up where she left off and all call you "Princess Diana"....everyone there knows you as "Princess"...just precious.
You still fight through the several illnesses you have had- tough little bugger. I think I have more trouble with it than you :(
Your latest achievements include: being able to go from crawling position to sitting position (getting so strong!), waving bye bye and hello, blowing kisses, holding your bottle and taking a few sips from the sippy cup! We are making progress!!!!
On Saturday we leave for the beach for a week with the whole family! We are SO EXCITED to have this opportunity and we cannot wait to see you in the ocean!
I love you my baby bird...
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