Many of you know my favorite author is Jennifer Weiner (pronounced like WINE er not WEEN er) She is the novelist of Good in Bed, In Her Shoes (which became a major motion picture starring Toni Colette, Cameron Diaz and Shirley MacLaine), Little Earthquakes, Good Night Nobody, The Guy Not Taken, Certain Girls and now her newest, Best Friends Forever.
I ordered this latest one by pre-ordering it on Amazon. I got it just a few days ago and then woke up early this beautiful sunny Sunday morning and checked my Facebook updates (like I always do) and I see Jennifer's status update read "on my way to Framingham MA for 3pm"....so I needed to investigate. When I went to her website I saw that she was going to be doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble in Framingham and it was very spur of the moment but I thought hey! There are some things I NEED to do today and some things I WANT to do today and I want to squeeze them all in and so I did! (with the help of my WONDERFUL husband of course...wouldn't be able to make HALF the things happen I do without him)
So we got up early...got Monkey up, fed her and raced to 7:30 mass. After mass, we got grocery shopping done. Then while Monkey was napping, I laid out and sunbathed for awhile and hubbo cleaned some of the screens. After that, we fed Monkey again and then headed out to Framingham for such an AWESOME event.
We had to wait about an hour once we got there but we got awesome seats..Rob was really good about keeping Diana entertained and he decided he is going to write a short story about our experience today...before Jennifer even took the stage, there was much comedy and Rob's observations were DEAD ON..just hysterical!
Before she was introduced, she was being escorted up to the front and happened to walk up the side we were on...Rob started talking to her not even knowing it was her as I was hitting him, speechless and finally squeaked out "that's her!" She started talking to Diana and told Rob not to worry about the noise because she said "I have little ones!" She was decked out in an awesome, funky black tank top....black skirt and cool necklace which she just got "at anthropologie" she later explained.
Once she made it to the front, it was like she was a stand-up comedian. She was so quick and had the best stories ready for us...stories about her mom..her mother-in-law...her best friend (which as appropriate during this signing of course) and just so many jokes that kept the crowd roaring...and a crowd it was! I think she was even shocked!
She then read an excerpt from the book and began the signing. Barnes & Noble did a great job keeping everything organized and moving and before I knew it, I was up there getting my picture taken with Jennifer, having her sign my book and she told me how much she loved my Tiffany Starfish necklace.
I was speechless and you know me...I am never searching for words! All that would come out are the coined phrases like "you are my favorite author...I have read all your books" etc etc...as I blushed and smiled like a crazy geek! Diana kept us all smiling even Jennifer...she just loved her!
I am now so excited to read my special book....signed by "Jen"
Check it out!! She never disappoints :)