
Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Favorites (Back to School 2024 Edition)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  Yeah!!  Today's Friday Favorites post is actually going to be full of ONE FAVE...and I am focusing on Back To School...my girls went back on Wednesday!  So here we go...first I laid breakfast out but neither girl was very hungry so they only took a few bites...the nerves were kickin!


Diana's Protein Balls and Fruit Cup



Eva's "Decorated" Pancakes and Fruit Cup


Eva started 5th grade at a new school- Center School. It is our Upper Elementary School and houses 5th and 6th grade.  Much smaller and more manageable then GBS for sure!




She insisted that Remi get in some pics with her :)


She's excited to have three teachers this year and loves switching classes for different subjects.  She also got to enjoy lunch and recess with her besties :)

Diana started her Junior Year and I can not believe I am typing these words....I just can't believe we are here...the most important year of high school...not too much pressure right?  Ha!


She has an intense schedule this year in school- her course load includes an AP Government class and an Honors World Lit class so she is getting down to business immediately.  She even had work that she powered through over the summer.

 My Girls!

 After pics, I waited at the bus stop with Eva- it was supposed to be across the street but the bus driver told me it is easier for her to stop right at our driveway- ok twist my arm! ;)

Then Diana got picked up by a friend.  She is still testing and hopefully will have her license at some point this month!  

Then Mama needed to hit Revitalize so I had the zap to get through work!

After the day of work and school, Remi and I waited for Eva's bus...I enjoyed getting some lovins' ;)


 Hi Sissy!  I missed you!!

Then we dished...LOVED hearing all about their days...the after school snack of choice?  Leftover Crumbl of course

After Eva did some reading and Mama did some more work, we headed up to the high school to pick Diana up from cheer practice and hear all about her day too. So fun!


After homework and changing into comfy clothes, we enjoyed our "Taco Bout Going Back to School Dinner"...just the girls since Daddy was traveling for business :)  Diana killed me.  She made me light my new Pumpkin Cupcake candle and put on Hocus Pocus- mind you it was 84 degrees...sigh....



It was an awesome first day for my girls and I am grateful and this is why it is my only FRIDAY FAVE :)


Amy Scott said...

Aww this makes me so happy! I love when kids love school! You made their day very special. Love their outfits! I teach mainly juniors so I know that age well. They are great!

Memphis Bridges said...

So glad they had a good day and I love your "Taco about it" themed night! Enjoy the long weekend!

Maria Rineer said...

Awww, great pictures and how wonderful that you were able to spend so much time with them and share in the specialness that is the first day of a new school year. No matter what the year holds for them, they have an awesome mom who is their biggest cheerleader and loves and supports them no matter what. I hope they have the BEST year. Have a great weekend!

Kim Carberry said...

Good luck to the girls in their new school year. It sounds like they had a great start. What a lovely day.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy September abd happy new school year to both girls!

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