
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Monthly Musings: Back To School Edition


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you stopped by!

 We hope you will join in on the fun and talk about "Back To School" with us...no matter the stage of life you are in!  We are answering these questions

Here goes nothing!

1. Where do you typically shop for Back To School? Any Tips?

For supplies, we like Target and my tip is to GO EARLY.  I made sure we got there before our Italy trip and it paid off.  We were able to get everything on the girls' lists.  Now, in late August, everything is picked over and it becomes stressful and expensive when you have to order things on Amazon last minute.


For clothes, I try to find sales.  We typically do Old Navy, Target and some Abercrombie for Eva.  For Diana, she just keeps building on her wardrobe so we didn't do a school shopping for her this year.

2. How Do You Organize for Back To School?

We populate the family calendar with the new schedules.  We clean out the closets and get them organized.  We get the supplies loaded in the backpacks and I meal plan.  This year I even prepped some meals!



3. Do You Meal Prep?  Any Fall Recipes to Share?


Yes Yes Yes- all year actually.  I usually bring my A game in the fall though :)  Here are a few faves around here


Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti HERE



Taco Bowls HERE


 Crockpot Chicken Tortellini Soup HERE


 Berry Croissant Breakfast Bake HERE


 4. Any Back To School Traditions?

I try to make a favorite meal of my girls for dinner on the first night.  



We also do our obligatory photos with the chalkboard.  That is my favorite :)


5. How Long Does It Take You To Get Into A New Fall Routine?

Oh it is exhausting isn't it?  It typically takes me two weeks to get used to the new schedule and get into a groove


  6. Best Lunchbox Packing Tip?

I got nothing. We do this in the mornings and it doesn't take long at all.  We either make sandwiches or salads or heat up a pasta dish and put it in a thermos and then add snacks.  Boom.

7. Best Tips For Getting Out The Door In The Morning?

Get up plenty early so you are not rushed and stressed.  Have time to eat breakfast and wake up and then get ready and get out the door early!

8. Slow Cooker?  Instant Pot? Both?  Neither?

Slow Cooker for me.  Rob occasionally breaks out the Instapot but I never took to it.  

Crockpot Chicken Lemon Soup with Spinach and Orzo HERE


 9. School Bus?  Carpool?  Walk To School?

So the kids in our town do not walk.  The roads are long and country-like and not safe. Anyway, Eva typically rides the bus and Diana sometimes does BUT we have been taking her more and more as she goes to school an hour early most days for either Student Council Meetings or Choir Rehearsals.  



10. Start School Before Or After Labor Day?

We start before here.  Growing up, we always started after- wish it was still like that!



Can't wait to read all about YOUR traditions!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

What's Up Wednesday (August 30, 2023)


Hi Friends!  Before we get to my favorite linkup, I want to send the best wishes to my girls for a wonderful school year!  School started today and I will recap on Friday!


Without further ado....here we go



What We're Eating This Week


Monday- Caprese Chicken and Chick Pea Pasta 


Tuesday- Greek Chicken Skewers, Cukes and Rice


Wednesday- Chicken, Broccoli and Bowties (FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!)

Thursday- Berry Croissant Breakfast Bake


 Friday- M&D at Amanda's Wedding- Girls Takeout with Papa



What I'm Reminiscing About


Our Wonderful Summer 




What I'm Loving


These linen pants- Find them HERE ...thank you Amazon!  Also snagged them in navy and camel- so comfy and flowy and summery



 What We've Been Up To

See Answer and Pictures to "What I'm Reminiscing About" above...

Bottom line...we have been summering hard

We picked strawberries...we read a lot...we swam...we enjoyed MANY great softball games...we hung out with friends...we went to the lake..we saw Shania Twain with Besties...we experienced the trip of a lifetime in Italy...we went to the beach and we enjoyed quality family time!

 What I'm Dreading

Thinking positively...just keeping the faith and praying business picks up very soon!


What I'm Working On

Business Development at Work...Getting Ready and Organized for the School Year at Home and Blackout 2023!

What I'm Excited About

The new school year...all the new and fun things that this time of year brings- new supplies- new outfits- new teachers and new schedules...the start of dance and hockey and play rehearsals...bring on all the fun!

What I'm Watching/Reading

LOVED some Summer Series like

And Just Like That

The Summer I Turned Pretty



Pen15 (this was a binge watch and not necessarily a summer series)

and my two books for August were

Golden Hills by Jennifer Weiner

Awesome short story by one of my favorite authors....the name doesn't really fit but loved the political story.  Find it HERE

and "Everyone Here Is Lying" by Shari Lapena

Find it HERE

Another winner by an amazing suspense author- this will be in my Top 5 of the year!!


What I'm Listening To

LOTS of Taylor Swift in these parts :)




 What I'm Wearing

Those linen pants....

 Barbie Attire

A Little Lilly

and in Italy it was all about the shorts and dresses...lots of fun fashion!

 and my new favorite coverup :)


 What I'm Doing This Weekend

We have a wedding on Friday Night- hope to get some outdoor time on Saturday- dinner at Mimi and Papa's Saturday Night to celebrate Mama's Birthday- Party at our Friends on Sunday and Dinner with Besties on Monday- hoping it is a perfect Labor Day Weekend!



What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month


Celebrating Turning 50 and Blackout 2023!



What Else Is New?

This guy gave us a big scare when we were in Italy.  He refused to eat and drink while at Doggy Daycare.  So stubborn and nervous.  My Father in Law, who is the best, picked him up and brought him to the animal hospital where they gave him an IV so he would not get dehyrdated...after that, he still wouldn't eat until we got home three days later...Thank God he is ok AND he is loving life now that we are all home....freshy!


Favorite Recent Amazon Purchases

Custom Cake Topper HERE for Diana's Birthday Cake

Sleeveless Sweater HERE


and Party Shoes HERE


 That's a wrap!  Can't wait to see what's up with YOU!

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