
Friday, August 25, 2023

Friday Favorites (August 25, 2023)


Hi Friends and HAPPY FRIDAY!  Yeah!

I am here to share some faves from our week and linking up HERE

When Diana Went Viral This Year

A Big thanks to her friend Ryan for sharing this- we were dying!

Blackout Prep!

Bulletin Board at Center CHECK :)


and this here team was up to our hold antics...meeting up before the sun rose to get a school project done-ha!


Girl Time

Celebrating Suzy's Bday at Americus


and catching up with my Dance Mom Besties at Foundation

Hockey Camp

Eva had a blast and even won a hat because she won the hockey trivia game one day!



Monday Night with Zach

We had a great dinner together and then the girls enjoyed their "last sleepover" with their big brother before he moves to Raleigh.  We are sending him off tonight but enjoyed the alone time with him.  We are surely going to miss him but so very happy for him and Zoe.  This guy was NOT happy because he was not allowed in to "play"- ha!

Birthday Fun for Diana!


Snuggles with Remi

Shopping Day with Mimi

Dinner and Cupcakes and her Bestie Harry came to celebrate before he leaves for Ballet Boarding School!

We will be celebrating with family at home on Saturday night!



That's a wrap!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Maria Rineer said...

Great photos of Diana on her birthday and your friend's birthday celebration as well. Ballet boarding school! That is exciting! And what a fun send off for Zach. North Carolina is cool- you'll love visiting him there (in case you've not been there!). Have a great weekend!

Joanne said...

Wow you look so young to have a 51 year old! LOL! I hope she has a fabulous 15th birthday.

Good Better Best Food said...

Wow so many big things happening in your family right now. See you next week for our link up.

MandyJoyLoves♥ said...

Cute photos of Diana and her friend with the cupcakes! Have a great weekend!

Ruth said...

Happy birthday to Diana! I love her dance routine in the video. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

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