
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Weekend Recap

We had an incredibly fun and busy weekend around here!  We made the most of all of the Halloween Fun!

Friday Night 

was the Batson's Annual Halloween Extravaganza.  I always snap pics as I am helping Lea get ready and you will see pics of some of her decorations and as the lights dim...and the black lights come on...you will see the costumes and other fun...I also did a video tour...I know I'm crazy but just go with it ok?  ;)

and a little look around....

My Frankenstein Pasta Dish....

 and my costume...I did my own makeup...not what I had envisioned but it had to do....

and as the guests arrived....


I started my day with a movie that was part of Hallmark's Countdown to Christmas (don't judge!)

and then I headed to the Annual Craft Fair at our high school with some besties.  I snagged a beautiful Faith sign that Rob hung in the kitchen for me- makes my heart happy :)

and some beautiful bracelets...I could not resist for $10 each!

In the afternoon, it was time to head to the Rekart's Annual Oktoberfestoween....always so much fun but this year was the best ever...so fun hanging with friends outside and the kiddos had a ball in the bouncehouse and candy trail....pure bliss....

I made my trademark Pumpkin Cheeseball for the Festivities

Eva decided to go with an Anna costume that we had...she is still too scared to put on her Zombie Princess costume ;)

Kathy did an awesome job with a Wine and Candy tasting/pairing...the pumpkin dispensers she made were so cute!

Kathy as Princess Leah

Kathy and her Brother (who comes up from Philadelphia just for this shindig every year!)

With her Sister-In-Law and Brother

Jerry, The Master Chef, always spoils us with an incredible Oktoberfest feast!

The Fresh Photographers ;)

It was BA and my 3 Year Anniversary- we had to snap a pic of course!

Eva had SO MUCH fun having a dance party with Declan...I even got some on video.....

Check it out....

We ended the night relaxing on the porch around the firepit...it was awesome....

Some coziness with Laurel...

Diana with her Godmother and my Bestie Cass :)

and when we got home, we found that we had been BOO'd...so much fun!


It was time for our NH State AYFC Cheer Competition at Southern NH University!

Lea and I took the girls to Mary Ann's Diner for breakfast so they would be well-fueled for the day and it must have worked because these lovely little ladies captured the State Title- woohoo!!! 

and while we were cheering, the rest of the fam was doing this...

and then this....

Sunday Night

We all crashed, got takeout and watched Hocus Pocus.  When we went to bed we didn't know how bad the rain and wind storm would hit us.  It was bad.  The winds woke me up and I could not sleep- it was so strong and scary.  It ended up taking down a large tree in our back yard.  We got lucky this time though.  It took out the swing set and nothing else so THANK GOD it did not do damage to the house this time.  So grateful but we are left with the aftermath of no power and no internet/cable.  (I feel guilty venting especially since there are still so many suffering in Texas, Puerto Rico and California) but it does make life challenging.


We woke up to this scene in our backyard- the girls are very sad that their swing set was ruined but we promised them that in the spring, we would get something else.  

Rob and I ended up working from Panera and Dunkin Donuts as they had internet.  We juggled the kids as there was no school and (he took them for more of the time because my day was chalk full of recruiting calls.)  

For dinner, we used a gift card from our anniversary and headed to Tuscan Market and split pizza and salad.  When we got home, Daddy the girls drew faces on their pumpkins  

We are patiently awaiting the return of power, internet AND SCHOOL.  Halloween may even be postponed tonight -we are waiting to hear.  Not ideal but we are making the most of our quality fam time :)

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