
Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday Favorites (December 30, 2016)

Wow!  It's is the last Friday Favorites for 2016!
I love this weekly Link Up and I am so glad our lady hosts plan to continue this in 2017.  These are some of my favorite posts to look back on.
Linking up one last time this year with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE 

I need to focus on some favorites from this week because I have had the Post Christmas Blues big time.
It is always sad but this year, I am having a tough time....so let's try and get happy shall we?

After two intense FULL DAYS of choreography, Lea and I surprised our little cheerleaders with a quick din din at Margarita's- it ended up being a family affair


On Wednesday, Cass invited us to join in on a Girl Scout Movie Event and a group of us took the girls to go and see Sing!  It was sooo cute.  We got to hang at Cass's for awhile before and do our "Fournier Breton Christmas" and exchange gifts" Cass gave me this beautiful bracelet

and the girls got these adorable Mermaid Blankets- Big Hit!

After the movie, we hit La Carretta with these crazy cats!

Diana's professional Nutcracker shots came in and they helped us to relive that magic :)

One way to beat the Winter Blues is to get my highlight retouched right?  Highlights are always a fave

Last Summer, Beth Ann asked us if we wanted to go to a 90's show during Christmas week.  It seemed so far away when she asked but we obliged.  She organized an awesome girls night!
We headed to XO on Elm first and then walked on over to the concert.  Her hubby drove us and picked us up- he was a lifesaver because we ended up having a Nor-easter and got a foot of snow!
The concert was fun and we enjoyed some of everyone's 90's faves like Kid N Play, Salt N Peppa, Vanilla Ice and All For One :)

My Mama  always knows what I will love and snagged me this adorable Kate Spade Crossbody for Christmas.  I got to debut it last night- don't ya love the sparkles?  To die for!

That's a wrap!  I hope you all enjoy looking back at your year this weekend.  I know I will but I am full steam ahead and working towards an amazing 2017!

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

My Year In Review (2016)

2016 Favorites....My Year in Review

Oh this is one of my favorite posts of the year
This is my 2nd year doing this and I am so glad I will have these posts to look back on.

 To see my recap of 2015, click HERE

Here is 2016....in a nutshell

We had a great time at the Windham Wolverines Banquet!

We celebrated Aaron's graduation from The Art Institute of Boston

Mama and Tracey enjoyed a little Poco's of Portsmouth before rocking with Melissa Etheridge at The Music Hall!

Mama threw a Surprise Sprinke for Jill!

We got Eva on the ice for the first time and she loved it!

Mama enjoyed the Winter Wine Festival in Manchester with some besties AND the bonus was meeting her wine hero Mr. J Lohr himself!

We went back to Moms Club and Eva met some new pals!

Mama made some new friends and couldn't be happier!

We enjoyed the Soccer Association's Casino Night!

Diana's beloved fish Erin passed away :(

The girls were spoiled with Valentine treats by Auntie Janie

We decorated Valentine Cookies with our pals and Moms Club!

Mama and Daddy enjoyed one last date at Sky Meadow Country Club on Valentine's Night

Daddy helped Diana with her Betsy Ross project and she did so well!

Some Mamas helped a friend campaign for school board!

and Mama enjoyed some fun lunches which helped brighten up the Winter!

Mama also got bitten by the fresh flower bug and started keeping them around the house on a regular basis!

 We tried Blue Apron and were impressed- our favorite meal was the chicken wings with the sweet potato salad and cole slaw

 and we skated some more!

We enjoyed another ECE season of watching Diana cheer!

Daddy surprised Diana and came in to read to her 2nd grade class!

We enjoyed a successful election this time around!

Mama and her friends went to the Baseball fundraiser to watch Daddy play and then snuck out for some more fun!

Mama and Daddy enjoyed dinner and Rock of Ages with some friends!

We did our annual Easter Baking and Egg Coloring with Mimi and Papa!

and had a wonderful Easter to top it all off!

Daddy and Diana enjoyed their 6th Daddy Daughter Dance!

We enjoyed Diana's Spring Concert at Goldenbrook

Mama celebrated Lea's Birthday with friends!

We watched Diana spring across the finish line during the Healthy Kids Running Series!

Baby Margaret was born and Mama went to see her and her Mama at the hospital!

Mama was welcomed by her new friends to join in their golf league and even though she stinks they welcomed her with open arms ;)

We enjoyed an awesome trip to Disney and Universal with friends and family- it was the trip of a lifetime!

While we were busy Disney'ing Little Miss Eva turned 2!

We started getting outside and playing bubbles and chalk and more!

We had dinner at Tracy and Heath's and had a ball!

Zach came home from being over in London for a semester abroad!

Diana's fans showed their support and watched her run one of her races!

We enjoyed several "First Fridays" at the Partington's

We celebrated Baby Jocelyn's Baptism!

Mama enjoyed some more golf!

Mama celebrated birthdays of some of her besties

We got our plants and we planted!

We enjoyed watching Diana and her dance pals mess around during picture day at Carlene's!

We celebrated Gina's birthday

Diana continued to impress us with all of her hard work with Coach Nicole at ECE

and Mama got silly with her work pals per usual

We celebrated Memorial Day Weekend....at home with the rents

and at Laurel and Tom's lake house.....

With Lea and Mike in Newburyport...

With Gram and Papa on their Anniversary.....

and wrapped it all up at Allison and Keith's with some fun games!

We loved watching Diana play softball!

and we enjoyed her dance recital too!

Mama started receiving some cheer coach training

and decompressing after with new friends

 We LOVED Diana's 2nd grade graduation ceremony and can't believe she is done at Goldenbrook already!  Mrs. Martin was the best teacher EVER!

Daddy loved coaching his little girl in softball

We celebrated Eva's Baptism Anniversary with her Godparents Chuck and Alice

Mama enjoyed more golf!!

Diana's last day of 2nd grade- Wonder Woman- so appropriate! ;)

The Last Day of School Tradition continued at The Fournier's!

That night Mama, Daddy and Lea participated in a sad sendoff for Adam and Jared

and the next day we spent our first day of the season at the beach!

Father's Day was fun!  The Dads and Son golfed :)

and then we enjoyed quality fam time with both sides!

We enjoyed several pool dayz with generous friends

and completed our Summer List!

We said goodbye to a brave little angel- she will never be forgotten :(

and we participated in the WW 2016 Skills Camp

Eva enjoyed some Baby Yoga with the Mom's Club :)

and we celebrated Caden's Birthday!

Mama enjoyed more golf!

and the girls enjoyed some pool time at the Graham's!

We enjoyed 4th of July Weekend at home...highlighted by our barbecue with friends!

Diana had a special day with Auntie Mar!

Mama caught up with pals outside!

and we participated in our 2nd Annual Hot Dog Hoedown at the Graham's!

We enjoyed more beach time!

and Eva LOVED her first time at the movies when we went to see The Secret Life of Pets!

Mama celebrated Mary's 50th Birthday!

and we enjoyed more beach time of course!

Diana attended the Edge Cheer Clinic in Nashua!

and we all loved spending the day with our cousins in Litchfield!

Mama enjoyed more golf and associated shenanigans

and Daddy was our hero when a tree fell on our porch roof- during a micro burst- he chopped it all up and got rid of it- thank God there was no damage!

Diana continued to work hard with Coach Nicole at ECE

and we had a fun time at the Fisher Cats Game with the Rekarts and other friends

There was more golf of course!

and our favorite couples tournament was "The Lobstah Trap"

Cheer season started!  Mama became the Head Coach of Diana's team this season

and Diana participated in her first Triple Threat Theater Performance as an Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka- The Musical!

Diana and Mama attended UCA Camp at St. Anselm's College!

and Diana was named an All American Cheerleader!

Sharon and Maya came to visit from France!  They came to see Diana perform at camp and then came home with us after- we never have enough time!

Mama and Diana enjoyed the 3rd Annual Mommy Daughter Boogie Boarding Day at the Beach!

Mama enjoyed a night out with friends for none other than "Bad Moms"

Mama and Daddy rocked it out with Laurel and Tom at the Pearl Jam Concert at Fenway!

and we enjoyed even more beach time with friends

and more pool dayz!

We devoured the Summer Olympics in Rio!  We had so much fun as a family following along every night for two weeks- I was SO SAD when it was all over this year!

We had the time of our lives at Storyland and Santa's Village with the Grahams!

Mom's Club came through for us again with another amazing event.  This time, Photographer Kristina Mearls, took our picture and they ended up being my favorite pictures of all time!  We will definitely be working with her again in the future!  I will also never forget this day at Benson's Park....in the summer heat...bugs buzzing...birds chirping...sitting smelling the fresh grass with my littles....wish I could've frozen time that day.....

Mama and Daddy celebrated their 12th Wedding Anniversary!

The girls enjoyed lunch Al Fresco with the Fournier Ladies!

We celebrated Diana's 8th Birthday with Watermelons and Waterslides!

We celebrated Dad's 75th Birthday!

We enjoyed outside cheer practices and Eva came to enjoy Italian Ice night with us!

Team Picture Day was a Success!

The girls worked hard at practices...as did the coaches!

Couples Golf continued to be Epic!

The Committee started the work for the 4th Annual Turf Fundraiser/Halloween Bash

Mama enjoyed a Girls' Weekend up in Ogunquit!

We celebrated Baby Alex at his blessing!

and we all had a ball at Canobie Lake Park with Ally and Aaron!

We started meal planning!

and the girls learned so much at our choreography sessions!

Diana went back to school!  It is her first year at Center School and she got Mrs. Hale for 3rd Grade!  She got to meet her the day before the 1st day of school!

Obligatory First Day of School Pic!

and Moms gettin' Silly on that first day ;)

 Celebrating Mama's 43rd Birthday All...Weekend...Long :)

Uncle Matt turned the big 4..0!  He celebrated with a weekend in Maine with his girlfriend and then we all enjoyed dinner at Mimi and Papa's!

 Eva started Dance Class...Bless My Heart!

and gymnastics! :)

I had helpers at the PTA's Ice Cream Social Night!

and just one more birthday celebration before all was said and done...I know obnoxious!

We finally celebrated someone else's birthday ;) Kathy's Surprise 40th!

and Diana auditioned for NEDE's Nutcracker!

She also ran for student council and lost but LOVED the entire experience!

Mama hosted wine club where we took a virtual trip to Italy!  

We participated in the 5th Annual Blackout Cancer Football Game with Friends

and the girls benefited from some ECE Clinics- they had so much fun they didn't realize they were actually learning!

 Grammy had a set back and was in the hospital- we got to visit her and we prayed- she is making a slow recovery

We celebrated the end of summer at Beth Ann and Matt's

The kids worked on a wonderful surprise gift for Rob's Surprise 50th

Mama and Daddy enjoyed their 2nd Newport Wine and Food Festival!

 and we started our Fall Decorating!

We had a smashing Surprise 50th for Rob! He had so much fun :)

We participated in the Annual Wolverines Jaguar Day!

The Batsons got a new dog and we enjoyed snuggling him over dinner!

Mama did more Bash Planning

and we did some apple picking with some of our besties!

Mama snuck in one more round of golf for the season along with a fun lunch!

We went to the Lanterns in the Village with the Batsons.....

and dinner after at the Salem Waterfront Hotel!

We hosted a Taco Party for our D8 Team on the night before their first competition....

and our little nuggets placed 1st in the Season Premier!

We went to Screemfest at Canobie Lake Park with the Batsons and other friends....

Mama and Lea got in one more beach day...in October...it was a record!

We had more cheer fun...especially when Mimi came to a game!

and Eva's new favorite word became CAUTION ;)

Mama enjoyed sharing some recruiting strategies with work friends

and we co-hosted, for the first time, a cheer comp so we were busy working the night before!

We scored 2nd place at our comp!

and we cheered at the State Championship Game up in Laconia!

We participated in a Cheer Showcase at WHS and the girls did so well!

and there was more Bash planning...

and Mama hosted Cass for the annual risotto night

Mama and Daddy had a ball again at the Batson's Annual Halloween Party

The girls placed 2nd at the NH State Cheer Comp!

and we enjoyed a pretty quiet Halloween night.....

We enjoyed dinner at Greer's

and wrapping up the cheer season with a 1st place finish!

The 4th Annual Turf Bash was a success!

and we voted in the presidential election!

We celebrated the end of the cheer season with a cookie party!

We celebrated Veteran's Day with our favorite Veteran at Diana's School Assembly!

We scooted up to Portsmouth for a day with Lea and Sam

and Mama enjoyed a lovely dinner with some besties

Diana tried out for ECE for her 5th year in a row!

and we enjoyed hosting the Partington's for dinner

Greer taught Mama how to make some elegant appetizers

and Mama enjoyed the first SPB Game Night!

as well as some Pre-Gaming at Old Navy with Cass

Diana received her first Holy Communion!

and Diana rehearsed for the Nutcracker!  She was cast as a Polichinelle!

Mama had fun at the Hockey Fundraiser

and we enjoyed a Friendsgiving brunch at the Holdings

 and we had such a good time when we hosted friends and family for Thanksgiving Eve at our house-Rob's band, Random Acts, played and they rocked!

Thanksgiving Day started with a family breakfast and the annual Turkey Trot!

and then we enjoyed an intimate dinner later on with our parents :)

Black Friday with Cass was EPIC this year!

Diana shined in the Nutcracker!!!  We couldn't be more proud :)

We decked the halls more than ever this year!

The girls enjoyed Festival of Trees with Mimi

and the Atkinson Tree Lighting with The Graham Girls

Mama Hosted her 2nd Annual  Holiday Recipe Exchange!

 We enjoyed the Stone Zoo Lights with Mimi and Papa!

and the Portsmouth Candlelight Stroll with the Batsons

There was lots of decorating of course!

and reconnecting with cousins was the highlight of our Christmas season :)

A Holiday Dinner with Coleen and Dave was amazing at Copper Door and they surprised us by taking us out!  Good solid people are the best gift!

The girls LOVED Christmas pancakes with Mimi 

and we enjoyed our very first Hanukkah party!

Lea's Cheer team cheered at Nationals in Orlando- Mama followed their entire journey (via texts) and then had a blast catching up upon her return!

We enjoyed Diana's holiday singing demonstration at LDA!

and Mama and Daddy enjoyed an adult night out with the WWC

Diana LOVED her Holiday Practice at ECE....the tutu was priceless....

so it made a return for her holiday dance demonstration at LDA the next night! :)

We have had a few small snow storms...so Pidge has been supervising the shoveling and snow blowing efforts ;)

and we all had a blast at our 2nd Annual Jammie Cocoa Christmas!

Mama loved celebrating the birthdays of some of her SPB friends

and Diana participated in Immigration Day as an Italian woman- priceless!

Our Christmas Weekend was very special!
We enjoyed time at home, Christmas Eve with Family near Boston and then Christmas Day at home and at Mimi and Papa's- we made the rounds-we are exhausted but we will remember these days forever.....

What a truly wonderful year it was!

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