
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

and then there was one (and a half I guess?)

The girls are gone...it is just the ZMan starting school today (I guess we can count Diana as a half as she goes two days a week but she goes all year) and then there was one....

Zack is a junior...I cannot believe it...seriously...question of the century...where does the time go?

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So...I love the Red Sox...when I see them or even hear a game in the background...I think Summer...I think of my grandparents going to the games...I think hometown pride.

Rob got us tickets to the Saturday afternoon game at Fenway vs. the Oakland A's.  It was partially to celebrate our anniversary and partially to celebrate my birthday and it was an asbsolute BALL (no pun intended).

We started by dropping off "The Monk" to my parents (I laughed when my brother called me ten minutes later to tell me Dad didn't know how to make a grilled cheese and Mum wasn't home yet)...

When we drove into Fenway, it was the most amazing experience...tons of people walking to the field...it was like a sea of red...unbelievable...so awesome!

We checked in at The Hotel Commonwealth...dropped our bags down and then headed out for our jaunt to the field- SO EXCITED!
Getting to the park was even more amazing!
Once inside we bumped into our "old" friends Kristin and Dave....I got to see Kristin recently for some reasons that will be shared in the near future but it was so fun to see this adorable couple for a quick hello!

It was then time to grab our sausages and beer...anyone who knows me knows that I am not a big sausage fan (keep the jokes to yourself) but there is something about a Fenway sausage...don't leave the park without trying one...and the beers rock too!

We took our loot and found our seats and the view was amazing...I kept getting more and more psyched and had 10 times more fun than I was even anticipating!

As many of you may know, New England was hit very badly with Hurricane Irene on Sunday, however, the terrential rains started in Saturday afternoon.  As a result, we got some heavy rain during the game.  Since we were under the roof of the grandstand, we stayed through the first rain delay and then decided to trek back to the hotel during the 2nd rain delay...it was downpouring!  All I cared about, of course, was "the hair!" No worries though, it stayed dry under my Sox hat and jacket...the rest of me was drenched and poor Rob was totally soaked too.(I must add that we were able to watch most of the end of the game when it resumed later on and the Sox won- WOOOHOOO!)

We chilled at the hotel for a bit and then headed out for some more fun.  Our hotel had two fabulous restaurants attached to it so we didn't have to leave in the storm at all!  We hit up the Island Creek Oyster Bar first.  We sat at the bar and indulged in some exotic drinks.  I had a few Oysters (from Mashpee) that were outstanding and we each had an oyster slider...so different and sooo sooo yummy!
After the awesome oyster bar, we walked through the hotel and to the other side.  As we were making our way over to the other restaurant, Eastern Standard, we stopped to look at the classic Red Sox photography that lined the hallways.  Rob HAD to pose with his idol Carlton Fisk of course :)
Eastern Standard was good but not as good as the Oyster Bar...only thing worth mentioning?  The Summer Salad...loved the root veggies with the lemon pepper dressing...delish

and the view from our room...The classic Citgo sign...great great time...so sad it is over...the Red Sox are in my blood and how lucky am I to share this with the love of my life?

By Sunday morning, we made our way back to my parents and enjoyed a lovely day (despite Hurricane Irene)...when it was time to go home (to no power of course) Diana was yelling at us saying she wanted to stay with Mimi and Papa and liked them better...I couldn't help but laugh myself silly! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekly Gratitude

A few days late...long story

A gig free night for my hubbo and all of  his help preparing for the Princess's big Dora Party...lotta work but we have fun doing it together!

A perfect day for our baby girl's party...there is nothing better than watching your child in her/his happy zone...that is the best gift!

A beautiful 70th birthday celebration for my Dad...nothing like quality family time

After feeling my first earthquake, just thankful that everyone is okay...we knew we were rocking it in our bullpen but we really weren't sure what the shaking was all about!

A FANTASTIC 3 mile run outside with two friends this week...just reminds me how much more fun and encouraging it is to have friends to exercise with AND gets me even more psyched for the 5k we are doing in September at our high school!  WOOHOO!  CAN'T STOP- WON'T STOP!

For just being right where I am supposed to be...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Ally Moves Into College

UNH or BUST...it was a tough day...emotionally...physically...and it didn't help that when we finally got to her dorm (after over an hour) she was told that her dorm had changed.  We then had to drive to the other side of campus and wait in another line for about another hour...BUT we got through it...she is all moved in and she has settled down.  She was scared and sad but she just posted on facebook..."settling in...maybe this isn't as bad as I thought"...too cute...brings back very similar memories!

This is what she looked like first thing this morning
This is the care package I put together for her...all of her essentials...Daddy's homemade salsa, tostitos, cheezeits...Febreeze...puffs plus...hangers...pictures of our family....snacks snacks snacks...perfume, etc etc....
Rob was high strung all day...I realized today after being together for about 10 years that he gets high strung and snippy when he is stressed...can't believe it took me this long to figure that out?
after a pretty hour long drive, we arrived on campus and I made a bee line for the library to pee!  After that, I snapped a few pics of the beautiful buildings while we waited in one of the first of many lines today

and then after the first dorm...the drive across campus and the next 1 hour line, we arrive at "Stoke Hall"...her final destination...seems like a fun dorm!
We unpacked and took some fun shots...then we kissed her and said our goodbyes...her Mom stayed to have lunch with her and make sure she was okay...I cried a little in the car on the way home...tonight, I just have a pit in my stomach...the house already feels so empty and our family dynamic has already changed...didn't think it would be this tough :(

and Ally got a sweet roommate...Julia :) Have fun girls!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tomorrow is the Dreaded Day...

We are moving Ally into college...I cannot believe this day is here...so excited for her but so very sad...it is so hard being a step parent but this is one of those times when it is extra hard...trying to stay strong for her AND her parents BUT feeling the same pain and feeling that we are losing her...and can't even think about how said my monkey is going to be....

Let this only be the beginning of new beautiful things for Ally and for all of us....

Until then....we will basque in the glow of our family memories...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Diana Turned 3 Today!

It was a quiet day at home....I work from home on Wednesdays so Diana often has to entertain herself...she did so and was off to a great start but as I tried to really potty train her and have her walk around in "big girl underwear", she had MANY accidents...10 to be exact.

Between work calls, I snapped some pix of her in her element

Reading books

Playing a homemade drum
Eating popcorn watching Dora
Opening a birthday present from Ally...an apple pie kit!  SO PRECIOUS

After several tantrums including screaming and crying, things settled down a bit when Daddy got home, (until the next tantrum)...we ate supper and celebrated with a mini-cake

and then we headed outside as promised....we blew bubbles

and then we made Diana's hand prints exactly on the day she turned three- they are setting in a cement stone right now and we will place the stone on her deck or in our garden for years to come...we can check another thing off our summer list!

after our cement activity, it was time for a tubby and bed...although I tried to be nice all day and keep my cool...it just didn't happen...but one thing remains true...I will love my baby girl until infinity....I am so thankful that God gave her to us....she keeps me going and inspires me to keep doing better.  Happy Third Birthday Diana Mary....Mama loves you My Baby Bird!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Dad's 70th Birthday Party

We had a wonderful celebration at the Danversport Yacht Club...Happy 70th Dad and many many more!  Love you xoxoxo
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