Wow! What a week! There were so many emotional highs and lows. I am most grateful that we all, as a family, came out unscathed (well for the most part).
I am thankful for the Windham Daddy Daughter dance...I don't think I have ever seen Diana so happy and excited. (though she kept Rob running around all night...chasing her...he wouldn't have traded it for the world AND Mama had some quality girl time with her BFF at their favorite Windham hangouts)
I am thankful that my stepdaughter Ally is okay. The same night, Rob got the call that Ally had been in a car is really bad...Ally is ok...Thank GOD
I am thankful for the Jass Brothers. This was Rob's band in the 90's and early 2000' is actually how we met...the Jass Brothers, however, finished up about 10 years ago. Once in awhile, we are graced with a special gig. On Saturday night, they came together for Bella who is a little girl in the next town over. Bella got strep throat and the infection went into her bloodstream and she ended up losing all four limbs- every parents' worst fear. The boys came together and it was amazing. When the three of them get together it is pure magic. I was so melancholy. It was a quick one hour set in the middle of a benefit. My old friend John (also a huge Jass fan) took me out for dinner first and then we enjoyed the band. I was very emotional and probably because of my next item.
I am thankful that my husband flew out to New Orleans safely on Sunday and flew back to us safely yesterday (you all know how much I just LOVE flying- tongue in cheek here) He is home safe AND Diana gave him the best welcome I have ever seen...made us all cry and do a group hug in the middle of the airport!
I am thankful that my car only had $300 worth of repairs today needed AND NOT the need for a new transmission
I am thankful for new clients this soon as you fill jobs and help clients, you kinda panic and ask yourself...Oh no! What is next? (on the same note, I am so excited that a special client paid on time and I will be getting my first award for it!)
I am thankful for my stepson Zack, who was truly the man of the house when his dad was gone...he even made dinner for the Monk and him on Monday night...he is one of a kind
I am thankful for the years we have had with Bambi, our beloved bulldog. It is time to put her down. We are so sad but it is selfish to keep her here. She is very sick...she is almost 100% blind and she has lost all control. Saturday will be a day of mixed emotions. She was a great dog and a loyal friend to our family...we will love her forever and never forget her. (the picture attached to this post is from 2007 when I started this blog- Bambi was healthy and 4 years younger- this picture accompanied one of my very first posts)
I am trying to be thankful for the April Fools Snow storm tomorrow? NOT!
I am thankful for Marianne Bemister and her Biggest Loser competition in Windham.
I am thankful for my parents and in-laws who love my child so much...I have never witnessed such love for one little human being!
I am thankful for my sometimes feels like they help to carry me through life