
Friday, January 12, 2024

Friday Favorites (January 12, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  Happy today- it was a productive week and I am looking forward to a pretty relaxing weekend!  How about you?

As always, sharing some faves from our week....




Remi and His New Crab Toy- HA!


Wine Group

Cass hosted last night and we did a blind tasting- so fun- we had to guess the varietal- describe what we tasted and even tried to guess the vintage and regions- so fun with some of my fave ladies

We even started with a sparkling wine we had shipped from Italy!

Amazon Faves

So...Amazon always comes through of course...a few recent faves includes

CUPS for our Girls Trip at the end of the month!

POSTER to use in a shadow box for Diana


and a FLAT IRON because when my old one died and it was time to order a new one I thought...hey what's wrong with a little bling? ;)


Short and Sweet This Week!  Have a great weekend everyone! XO

Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE

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Amy from www.coffeeandcocktailsatthecasa.com said...

Those memes are so good! The one "don't invited, don't go", etc. really spoke to me. In my post this week about lessons learned in 2023, I deleted "Stop putting time and effort into people that don't do that for me" - just decided to keep it a more positive post, but there are a couple of people in my life that I am just done trying to make an effort for. One calls only when they need something and never checks in on me. Others are family that didn't even text Merry Christmas. Ridiculous! So, that is what I am trying to work on now, but it's also a hard lesson to learn.
Your group of friends seems so fun! I want to do a wine tasting!

Andrea Nine said...

I could almost echo what Amy said! It’s so hard when you feel like family, doesn’t care about you, but certainly wants you to do everything for them! Your memes do always make me smile. Happy Weekrnd sweetie.

Ruth said...

Love those memes! Some really hit home and others made me giggle. What a fantastic hair straightener, love all the bling!

Maria Rineer said...

Your memes are on point, as usual. I love your sparkling Chi! I love the Barbie Chi that I got for Abby for her birthday (she may not love it as much as I do. I smile every time I see it in her room. She didn´t take it overseas with her). I hope you have a great weekend!

Natasha said...

Your memes! The one about "I created a mini version of myself and started arguing with it daily" REALLY spoke to me this week! Hahaha!

Tanya said...

Love the ideal body from 1955! Hope you have a great weekend!

Sunshine and Books said...

Those memes are so good! Your girls trip cups are so fun! Can't wait to see where you go! Your wine club looks fun! What was your favorite?? Have a great weekend!

Also, you can never go wrong if you add sparkle!!

Joanne said...

Those memes are great! And I love that blinged out new straightener.

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