
Monday, September 30, 2019

Hello Monday and Blackout Weekend Recap!

It was a beautiful fall weekend in these parts.  Linking up with Heather and the Crew HERE and taking a look at our weekend.....


Diana came home from school victoriously!  She ran for student council again and won!   She wanted to go all out this year and so we helped her make it happen- we put together goody bags like the ones we did for Daddy's school board campaigns- they had candy, post it notes, pencils and her "business card"- they came out adorable and did the trick!  Her speech was solid and her poster came out adorable too- congrats Monkey!

and after the win...

That night, we rallied and had a blast at our town's Annual Blackout Cancer Football Game- we believe there were close to 6,000 people there which is a record and all proceeds go to research for cancer.  Definitely one of our favorite nights all year!  Check out our pics....

First one of my prayer groups, MOPs, showing our support and included in our group are some mothers who have had to face the hell of their children who endured pediatric cancer

 Love this one- shows you how much my hubby loves razzing Lea - ha!

At halftime, we took off and got the girls settled with Papa.  Then Rob and I headed over to our friend Sam's 40th birthday party....so much fun.....

The cake was beautiful AND delicious...so creative too right?

My friend Lorena after a mishap with the taco sauce- friends, the tacos?  Unreal!  We are trying to figure out a reason to have a taco party next because this caterer was ON POINT!


I started my day with my bestie and my favorite class at the gym- C2S- it incorporates cycling and band work- so much fun especially with my Lea...the workout pro ;)

Then Eva had a soccer game and Mimi and Papa came up to watch too...they got creamed but it is still so fun to watch...this age kills me...half the time, they are just socializing on the field...hysterical!

After the game, we grabbed lunch at Old School....

I had all sorts of grand plans after that but seriously friends, we needed to get our studying and homework done for CCD and so we did...then Diana had a friend over and we got takeout and just crashed....Kayla came over for a visit too so it was nice to spend some QT with her as well! 


We made it through our first CCD class- insert praise God hands here!  I was so nervous but just let God take over and we made it through- it was productive and I think the kids had a little fun anyway.  After that, we headed to mass and then out for a fun day.

We needed to get some odds and ends for Eva's "new" room and scored some cute pillows and such at Home Goods.  We then drove to Hobby Lobby in hopes of snagging some lamps but forgot they are not open on Sundays.  So we shot over to Trader Joe's to stock up on more of that yummy Autumn Salsa.  On our way home, we hit the new 603 Brewery in Londonderry for lunch/dinner....people have been raving about it...and I would have to concur...I really enjoyed the pumpkin beer and we all devoured our pub food.  The surprise of the day was when Cass walked in with her Mom and Alexis and we made it one big happy group...even Eva enjoyed time with Cass's mom which was so cute!

On the way home, we HAD to go to Starbucks because Diana needed to get the drink that Alexis had- the dragon drink- never saw Diana finish a drink until this one- Pidge got a hot chocolate (with an ice cube)...

We crashed hard after that....then Daddy had a gig but the girls went to bed early :)  It was the perfect little Fall weekend...what were you up to?

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday Favorites (In The Zone Edition)

Happy Friday Friends!
Linking up with the lovely ladies, as always, HERE

I feel like we are back in the zone friends- everyone has this new school schedule down- Daddy started his new job and Mama has exhaled and is back in the zone!  Feeling great about our week and looking forward to our weekend!

Here are some faves from our week.....

 Eating The Rainbow

So back on track this week....went to the gym all week BY MYSELF....this is a big deal for me...I usually need friends but I thought hey...I need to depend on myself...and so I did!  Also back to clean eating and feeling better already! 

Fave MEMEs of the Week

I sent this one to Diana this week :)

Birthday Love

I guess I can say I have had a wonderful "Birthday Month"- my work friends gave me these beautiful flowers and took me out for a lovely lunch- beyond grateful that I get the bonus of working with such wonderful people who have become my 2nd family!

Starbucks Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew

Friends?  If you are anything like me and don't care for the PSL, than you need to give this one a try...I could not get over how good AND how it wasn't sweet at all!  Starbucks is genius- I only wish they made this one hot too- it is just perfect- I add one equal for a little sweetness and it does the trick- nice zap of caffeine- perfect fall flavor without going overboard like the PSL and just delish!  I will never go back....you have to try it and let me know what you think!

Fall Candles

Fall is my favorite time of year to burn yummy smelling candles, most of the time, from Yankee Candle.  Last year I started branching out thanks to your recommendations and tried the candles from Bath and Body too.  Now I like to include both....
Here are my picks for this season.....

Marshmallow Fireside- Bath and Body Works

Spiced Pumpkin- Yankee Candle

Sugared Pumpkin Swirl- Yankee Candle

Luscious Pumpkin Trifle- Yankee Candle

and Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow- Bath and Body Works

Book Club
I hosted our 10th Book Club Last night!  My pick was "You've Been Volunteered" by Laurie Gelman- this was the sequel to her first novel, "Class Mom".  I laughed throughout both of these light reads.  These books are perfect for this season.  If you are on the PTA or volunteer in your child's class or school, then you will truly enjoy these books.  We all wish we could say the things that Jen Dixon says in her emails- hysterical!

 That's a wrap!  Hope you all have an amazing fall weekend!

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