
Monday, July 31, 2017

Our Summer Weekend in New Jersey!

So....we just got back last night from a quick, very fun and quality weekend with my best friend from high school Dawn.  Dawn and Jeff had us down to their home in Lake Hopatcong NJ which is in Jefferson.

They have been living in this house for about a year and they love everything about lake life.  They gave us a true taste of all of the fun this weekend.

Truth be told, this morning I am very melancholy.  We never have enough time together.  We did make the most of our time though and the kids lived it up to!


It took us about 4.5 hours total to get there but we did stop for breakfast at a diner in CT so the total trip ended up being 5 hours which was not bad at all!
We are off! (This is us at 5am on Saturday morning- I am impressed with how bright eyed we look-ha ha!)
 We stopped at Hotcakes in South Windsor.

Then I snapped a couple of pics that were must-do's. (Please excuse the blurriness)
The sign for Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow in NY of course

and the Tapan Zee Bridge
 We arrived around 10:30am. We quickly got settled and headed right out on the boat!  It was cloudy at first but the sun came out and the kids had an absolute ball...as did we!

We cruised on over to The Jefferson House for lunch.  It was so nice to sit outside- so relaxing right on the water.  We, of course, started reminiscing and laughing so hard that our bellies hurt! 

 After lunch and some more boating, we hit the beach.  The kids had so much fun swimming and the big kids hit the high dive!

That night, we chilled and did some "trampolining" and fishing!

and I love this pic that Dawn snapped of the girls sleeping- they are truly two peas in a pod!

On Sunday, we had another fun-filled day.  We started by boating over to breakfast at the Mason Street Pub- it was so much fun and quite delicious!

After breakfast there was some tubing AND tubing fails- ha ha!

 (don't let this pic fool you, as soon as Jeff started driving the boat quickly, we were screaming because our hair was getting wet- Dawn gets the hair problem and didn't want to get her hair wet either- hysterical!)

After tubing, we boated over to Byrams Cove and anchored there.  We were having fun relaxing in some tubes and then Rob got bitten by a fish- I kid you not!  It was nothing serious but it was enough to freak me out so I got back to the boat as fast as possible!  At one point, he was teasing me and saying the fish was really close to me and I let out a scream that the entire cove could hear- well we laughed so hard- couldn't stop...again :)

Once we got back to the house, it was time to say our goodbyes- never easy and our time together is always too short...snapped one more pic of the kids together before bidding farewell until next time.

and what took us 4.5 hours getting there, took us 7 hours to get home with a few pit stops and tons of traffic.  The GPS also took us through NYC on the way home- oops!  We made the most of it though, I snapped a pic of the George Washington Bridge.  We also know how lucky we are that our girls are so good on road trips...I treasure these times with my little fam...gives me a pain in my heart...

Until next time my friends.....

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