
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year My Loves!

2010 was a good year all and all! Some highlights?

The weather! We did not have such a wonderful stretch of beautiful weather before 2010, since I was a child! We took advantage by spending as much time outside as possible...the park...the beach...

Our trip to Florida with my parents...Diana's first time on a plane...60 degrees felt like 80 in the sun and we got scorched (yes!)...had the best dining experience we ever had at Mario's..Marriott Harbor Beach Resort in Fort Lauderdale was pure paradise

Our 4th of July weekend attempt at clam digging then enjoying the beach and later the city of Boston

The beginning of the recovery and starting to get business again at work...so encouraging...provided us the hope we needed to continue to fight through this economy

Ally got her license and then the night we gave her the car...just magical...never saw a kid so happy and appreciative

Zack's football season...his first year of varsity...watching him grow...had so much fun

Mari and Anthony's wedding

Halloween time.... we enjoyed everything about fall this year and made sure we kept up with the crafts and the baking so that Diana would understand the fun of this time as well

Putting Diana on skates at the age of 2...and her reaction of pure joy!

New Year's Eve...last night Rob and I went back to the place where we met for a drink-The Dubliner in Lowell- it was recently sold to a new couple and they have done a great job redesigning it. Then we headed over to the place where we got engaged- Cobblestone's and were seated at the table where we got engaged (almost 7 years ago!) We had the best meal...it was a NYE special and just wonderful (and not to mention very affordable!)

May 2011 be your best year yet!

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