Tomorrow Rob and I will celebrate our five year wedding anniversary. I know it sounds cliche but it feels like yesterday. When we think, however, everything we have been through since we married, we know it has been tough...never easy....we have accomplished a lot and we have lost some very special people along the way. We have, however, grown closer together and have realized the work that marriage entails and the strength that love gives us. Our faith has helped carry us through some of our most stressful times and during this past year, when the world seemed to turn upside down, we comforted each other and tried to convince each other that no matter what happens, we will make it work. We live in scary times but I always have that comforting feeling that even if I lose my job...end up on the street or we lose our house...we will be together and love will conquer all. We have decided to live for today and continually help each other to try and live in the present.
People often say to me, "I read your blog...your life is so exciting....you do so many fun things....do you ever stay home?" I think it is funny.....I think, "if they only knew?" I don't see my life as exciting however, I will agree, I live it to the fullest...I am not careful with money like I should be but I believe you can't take it with you and I want us to experience as many wonderful things as possible as a couple and and as a family. We work ALOT. Yes I work two days from home now but I do work AND take care of Baby Diana and my stepkids as best I can...I constantly feel guilty and bounce between feeling like I don't work hard enough OR I don't spend enough time with Diana...yikes...enough of that.
Yes...we are home alot...more so when we bought our home and even more so now with Baby Diana BUT we are out alot with all of the kids' activities and the fun times we create with our family and friends. Yes, my life is exciting because I choose to see the excitement and happiness in things.
Many things could get me down day in and day out and though I get temporarily stressed...overwhelmed...sad....with the help of my husband, I have been able to find the good in things.
He is truly my best friend...biggest fan and emotional support. I never knew what that was like and never thought I deserved it until I met Rob.
So Rob, Happy 5 Years! I have put together a little "photo tribute" to our first five years of marriage. Here is to 50 more! I know...I know....I know what you will say but TOUGH! Love Eternal...
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