So we did our mini-deck garden again this year and kept it even more simple. We did the usual flowers and stuck to the pink theme this year as we will be having Diana's 1st birthday party at the house and OF COURSE the yard flowers have to match the party theme :)
We did only tomatoes as far as veggies and then for herbs, we picked the two that I use the most in my cooking-basil and cilantro.
I took some pix to capture the beauty AND before I kill anything!
I am also including the "Yennaco Guacamole Recipe" straight from Mexico. If you like guacamole, this will be the only one you want to eat moving forward. It is authentic, natural and the only way to eat this magical dip. As my friend Laurie introduced me to this, we also serve it the exact way she did, with organic blue corn chips (Tositoes puts out a great version!)
Enjoy :)
Yennaco Guac
3 avacados
1 lime
2 gloves garlic
handful of cilantro chopped finely
Carve out your avacado meat and put in bowl
squeeze the juice of one lime into the avacado
mince garlic and finely chop and add to the rest
Add cilantro- stir- enjoy!
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