
Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Favorites (Quarantine Week 2 Edition)

Like all of you, our worlds have been turned upside down...we are trying to figure this all out...trying to calm ourselves and stay healthy but it is not easy....I am praying this passes quickly...that our kids can return to school this school year and that business will pick up again....it is all we can do...pray and have hope and faith

Sharing the glimpses of joy I captured this week...for what is is worth....

Linking up HERE

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Good Better Best Food said...

The rose gold headphones are the Best!

Stay well sweet friend.


My Glittery Heart said...

The virus MEMEs have been so FUNNY!

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

I have been living on Memes these days! Def good to have a lot of laughter right now.

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