
Thursday, February 28, 2019

What's Up Wednesday: February 2019

So I have to admit, I wrote this post before we left.  Right now, I am in Punta Cana with my fam and hopefully having the time of my life!  

I couldn't miss this linkup, though, since it is my favorite one of the month!

Linking up with Shay and Sheaffer HERE 

Answering these questions.....

What We're Eating This Week

One night we are doing the steak house, one night the Italian restaurant, one night the Japanese restaurant, one night the Brazilian Steak House....etc etc...anyway...you catch my drift...all inclusive resort...we will be trying it all!

What I'm Reminiscing About

My babies....oh how fast time goes by...oh how much I sound like a cliche but it's just the truth...how I feel...would give anything to squish the babies one more time...

 What I'm Loving


Coco Cabana Cream.....exquisite!
 Find it HERE

What We've Been Up To

We had hair cuts before our vacation!

Diana has been tearing up the basketball courts :)

The girls made Rob's dream come true and got out to skate on our very own rink- it had some technical difficulties after this day so our skating party will have to wait until next year with a new and improved rink...sigh...

We LOVED watching the Patriots win!

The girls LOVED being part of Charlotte's Valentine Party

We celebrated Valentine's Day with treats and love and flowers and love and dinner and LOVE!

Mama and her golf pals tried out the new indoor golf venue in town!

We partook and enjoyed the Annual School Deliberative Session in town!

Diana got to sing and dance for some local seniors and Mama got to watch- it was a wonderful day!

There was some QT with our peeps!

Eva bowled for the first time at a birthday party and LOVED it...she even got a strike! :)  (yes the bumpers were up- ha ha!!)

and she has been having fun at Soccer Skills....

Diana and Lucy took first place in NH for their choreography in the dance "Heroes Among Us"

and Mama and Daddy enjoyed brunch with friends at Wentworth by the Sea

and we packed up and left for Puunnntttaaaa Cannnnaaa!!!  (spoken and screamed like Eva does) :)

What I'm Dreading?

Unpacking...laundry...digging out of my email inbox!!
But we are not thinking about those things just yet ;)

What I'm Working On

Getting more protein in while at the same time, keeping the fat grams down....daily battle!  (and not while on vaca obviously) ;)

What I'm Excited About

Spring...right around the corner!

What I'm Watching/Reading

My fave...A Million Little Things

I'm Sorry

Just laugh hysterically during EVERY episode!

American Housewife

Greys Anatomy

and I binge-watched some of my favorite wedding movies during the weekend when I wasn't feeling well

My Best Friend's Wedding

The Wedding Date and

The Wedding Planner

and my reads in February were BOTH FANTASTIC!

First, I read, "What Alice Forgot" by Liane Moriarty

Heart-wrenching....happy...fun...all in one...find out what happens when a woman falls off a bike at the gym and loses 10 years of her memory...riveting!

and then I read, "If You Only Knew" by Kristan Higgins

Such a great story about the special bond between sisters...I couldn't put this one down...finished it in less than a week!

The two books I downloaded for my trip will be my two March reads and they are...

"On Being 40ish" by Lindsey Mead (and others)
(recommended by my bestie Jill)


"Cancel The Wedding" by Carolyn Dingman

What I'm Listening To

So my music on my phone has gotten lots of play time recently as I have been spending more and more time on my treadmill.  My Playlists are on repeat- Fort Lauderdale List, My 45th Birthday List and our Newport List.

All chock full of my favorite 90's tunes and current hits and the Newport list has many 60's, 70's and 80's tunes too compliments of my friends!

What I'm Wearing

Office Attire, Workout Clothes and Cozy Outfits as I fought my way through February.  Big Fashion post coming this month, after our vacation, when we can focus on the summery clothes that make me happy including LOTS of Lilly!

(These jeans though?  Always on repeat- thank you American Eagle!)

and had to dial it up a notch for a night out with besties too ;)

What I'm Doing This Weekend

At the pool for as long as possible until we have to leave for the airport and that is as far as I am thinking!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

The Annual Daddy Daughter Dance...can't wait to see my girls all dressed up...they get so excited and I know Rob does too ;)

(This was them all ready to go two years ago!  Last year they had to go to separate dances but this year they get to go to the same one again- yeah!)

What Else Is New?

Punta Cana ;)

Hope you all have an amazing week!

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Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday Favorites

It's Friday so it means it is time to linkup with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE

and share some of our faves from our week!

 Fave MEMEs of the Week!

Eating The Rainbow!

Days I Hit 10,000 Steps

A Definite Fave!

and the days I can kill it at the gym...another fave...but especially when my trainer is proud of me and brags about it on her Insta Story :)

Strawberry Margarita

Definite Fave AND Win for Vaca...I'm so in love with this color!

My Cozy Girls

Pretending we need glasses ;)

Sister Snuggles :)

and all ready for Lent!  Thanks to our friend Claire :)

Fave Outfit Of The Week

(Please excuse my laundry pile near my feet...sigh)

PTA Candidates Night

I started this event 13 years ago and it has grown so much since then...it is fun to be back with the PTA and be able to host this event again...last night was a huge success...I am proud of our organization and LOVE the town we live in!

 and I will leave you with this...if you need me...you know where to find me :)

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