
Monday, February 11, 2019

Hello Monday and Weekend Recap! (Favorite Winter Weekend Edition)

Sharing our weekend fun and saying Hello Monday!  Linking up with friends HERE

Friday Night

This is one of my favorite nights all winter and heck all year.  It is the night of our Annual School Deliberative session.  It is when our school board and our school administration discuss the warrant articles that will be on our ballot in March for us to vote on.  It is also a chance for citizens to go and make petitions to possibly change these articles- that is when things have gotten interesting over the years.  Friends, it is truly democracy at its finest.  Most states don't practice this anymore but NH still does...I guess sometimes it pays to be a little behind.  I have been attending these sessions for the last 15 years...nothing fascinates me more.  Now, it is even more personal, as my hubby sits on the school board.

Each year I rally the troops and have even more fun sitting in the audience with friends.  This year, I rallied again and we started with dinner at Red's down the street and then headed over to the high school for the main event.

I got up and spoke as one of the articles hits very close to home- we are voting on Full Day Kindergarten and Eva is affected.  I pray it passes.  She is so ready for a full day program and Mama and Daddy are so ready to get rid of our very last daycare bill!  I will keep you all posted on this!

Took some fun pics during the night...

At Red's before the main event...

At the Deliberative...

One of my besties, Kathy, joined me and she graduated from Yale so I call her Yale and said "things were going down because Yale was in the house!" :)

This awesome board captured another one of their legendary selfies too ;)

After the deliberative, I accepted a donation from the transfer station from clothing donations for the PTA!  That makes my job so much more fun!

What a great night- so many important things accomplished AND so much fun at the same time!


We had lots of running around to do but the highlight for me was taking Diana to a local nursing home where she and some pals from her dance/music studio performed.  She sang a beautiful song called "In My Own Little Corner" and I have included the video below.  Later on in the program, she and her dance pal Harry did a cane dance they are working on for their RAD exams that are coming up.  I was moved to tears with both numbers and more so because the seniors loved the kids so much! 

That night, Mama and Daddy headed out with BA and Cass and the hubbies for dinner and catching up...we tried a new little pub in the next town over and enjoyed their authentic Italian fare.  If you are in the area, you MUST TRY On The Corner in Derry.  It was incredible and so reasonable!

(The OTC Chicken)


Time for CCD, mass, groceries, etc.  Rob took care of so much for me on Sunday so I could take the girls to Charlotte's Valentine Tea Party.  

Before we headed over, we made sure our Valentines were all set for the girls parties this Thursday!

 Then we headed over to the main event!
It was the most adorable thing I have ever seen.  My bestie Jill outdid herself.  I think I need to call her the Martha Stewart of Windham!  The girls had so much fun sipping pink lemonade out of tea cups and snacking on tea sandwiches and all kinds of Valentine treats.  Eva was thrilled to be included and Diana and Alice loved to be the "big helpers"...just precious all around!

We wrapped up our weekend with sushi from Kumo.  Mama did not want to cook...we are two weeks out from Punta Cana and I need things to be easy so I can focus on work and keeping the girls on track!

This morning, I am writing my blog as I am sipping my coffee out of my new mug...what do you think? It is my new fave! 

and now it is time for the gym...can't wait to see what you have been up to!

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Michele Morin said...

Hi, Holly, I love your passionate investment in your community.

Tanya said...

What a fun Valentine's tea party. That is so interesting about the school board process, and also the full day kindergarten. Here in our area of Texas, we ONLY have full day kindergarten, and it's been that way for a long time. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

Jaclyn Coffee, Pancakes & Dreams said...

Love your new mug! The Tea Party looks ADORABLE!

Good Better Best Food said...

As your Thankful Thursdays link up buddy you know I love that mug. Happy Valentines Day!


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