
Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday Favorites

It's Friday....Yeah!!!
Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

and sharing with you some of our faves from this week.....

Fave MEMEs of the Week!

Eating The Rainbow!

Fort Lauderdale Tee

My girlfriends and I snagged this tee in Fort Lauderdale last year...actually in the next town over, Lauderdale By The Sea...mine was so tight so I never wore it....until now....pulled it out...tried it on...and now I love it!  There is such a story behind this tee and some time....not sure when...I will write about it....

My Tiny Dancers 

Insert Heart Eyes Emoji Here...Ahhhh!!

Valentine Boss Cookies

Recipe coming soon....promise...I am naming them this so I will always remember when and why I made them :)

Indoor Golf

So my little golf group decided to try a new place in town called Club 14....it is an indoor, virtual golf facility and I think it is a genius idea!  Though we stuck to golf this week, we plan on going back to enjoy their snacks and cocktails too.  We agreed it is a great way to swing the club and remember everything we are doing wrong during the winter months before we can get back outside to play!  Had some laughs and can't wait to go back!

and I mean the outfits are half the fun right?  ;)

These two

Yes again...and no I'm not sure when I will stop obsessing about it ;)

This....Just This..

One of my favorite movies is turning 20 years old AND Entertainment Weekly did a Reunion Photo Shoot- I am obsessed!  These beautiful people just keep getting better looking AND they truly like each other!  I need to watch it again this weekend...My Best Friend's Wedding!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend...we have so much fun planned I can't take it!!

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Sunshine and Books said...

Those cookies look delicious! Have you ever tried Top Golf? I bet you’d love it!! It’s a lot of fun for grown ups, kids, and families together! Have a super day!

Holly said...

Sarah! I wish we had Top Golf around here in New England but we don't- guess it is too pricey to run it as a seasonal business- looks so fun though! :)

Rechelle said...

LOVE the memes this week lol! And your tiny dancers ;)

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