
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Saturday Night Dinner Fun With the Grahams!

Kids had a ball...adults got to relax (well a little bit)....and it was awesome to catch up and experiment with another few PW recipes ;)

Pioneer Woman's Bruschetta- Recipe HERE

Pioneer Woman's Watermelon Pico de Gallo Recipe HERE

Corn Salad...Recipe HERE

The Pioneer Woman's Grilled Peaches- RecipeHERE

Take these sides and put them next to some nice boiled lobster and marinated steak tips and VOILA...perfect summer fare on the deck!

We had a ball!  (especially the kiddos...when they were jumping through the sprinkler and just running around in general)

 and thanks to the Grahams for making a special trip to the Tuscan Market for such fun dessert!

another reminder how lucky we are to live in the town we do...as we continuously meet great people and meet friends for life!

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